64 digits spring competition judging.

Posted by Jeremiahtaylor777 on May 6, 2014, 2:11 p.m.

There's been a lot of good games so far. I'm slowly putting together let's plays of anyone's game that isn't just an engine or unplayable due to technical error on my part. I'm gonna try and review all games and get back to you guys with the one I want to win. As for now I think Remnance possibly is the one I've had the most fun with. I'm not gonna lie I'm the 3D artist for the game Iktsua. I cant say I want you guys to vote for Remnance over Iktsua or that I want you guys to vote for Iktsua over Remnance its completely up to you. I don't want to review my own game but I might do a lets play of it and explain some things from the developers point of view. Other than that I hope you play all the games and vote for the ones you think are good! I'll link the lets plays below Bye!



svf 10 years, 10 months ago

It good to see somebody being interactive with reviewing games (making videos, etc)

I've watched the majority of your videos.
