The first beta of Barnstormer: 1920 has been released. The average rating currently is 8/10, which is not bad for a WIP in my eyes.
Visit it's 64Digits topic here. visit it's GMC topic here, or visit it's TGG Forum topic here.In other news, the wether overhere is good again. Last thursday 7 people died because of a big storm. Big storms are pretty unusual here in the Netherlands…On my school, the "PeP-week" has just started, which is a week in which we only have tests and projcets for school… It pretty much sucks, but it has one big advantage, and that is that school only lasts about 4 hours every day [ :D].My monster-compupter's power-supply has exploded kind of a month ago so I haven't been playing TES IV: Oblivion for about one month. This computer is not fast enough it can't handle it… Anyways, we're probably getting a new power-supply in about a week, so I'm really looking forward to it [:D].Btw, click here and here!PS: Hehe, thought it were links?
Man I went to Best Buy yesterday to get Oblivion for my Xbox 360 and they didn't have it! I was so pissed lol.
That happened to me a few weeks ago… >_<
I have an uber power supply.