fun: my holiday - not so fun: school

Posted by Jesper on Aug. 28, 2006, 2:42 p.m.

Yep, it's right. I have one week holiday left! And I so don't wanna go to school. Last year I simply passed… No single fail [:D] ! But next year… I've chosen latin and I actually don't know why… Cause I'm not so good at it [;)]. I only passed because the first period ( out of six ) I got an 8/10! For the rest I had like 4/10, 5/10, 6/10, but never higher than a 6.3/10 ( which was actually rather high for what I usually get ). None of my friends has chosen latin actually. Luckily enough we have classes half-latin half-non-latin. So enough about school, and let's talk about some fun stuff. Next week I'm gonna get my boos and stuff…

I am accepted for a professional-football club! HFC Haarlem to be precise. I'm so happy [:D]. So if I get to the first team of Haarlem I get paid ( and not very little I think ).

But now about my holiday ( real fun holiday )! First off, I've used lots of time mainly for creating games ( about 2 weeks! ). And then, I went to Austria. Really really fun! We walked in the mountains and such. And, very luckily, we had FREE internet in our hotel! The food was delicious and everything rocked. 1 of the walks in the mountains took us 6 1/2 hours. And then drink 2 liter non-stop 'schiwasser'. For the rest a relaxing vacation. Then, I went to goal-keepers-camp. In 3 days we played football for 25 hours. Really fun tough. After the camp, I went to Madeira. Most fun in Madeira: Scuba-Diving! I am now offically a PADI 'Open Water Diver'. We went to 20 meters below the surface. I so liked it that I'm now gonna make a diving game [:P]. Also we made another walk of 6 hours. It was fun but it rained rather hard. Actually, we had 0.2 liter water in our shoes! And 0.3 liter water in our clothes. So far about my vacation [:D].

And now to the stupid subject… School… You know what? Let's not talk about school. I've typed enough for today.


Hootiehoo 18 years, 5 months ago

Why does everyone keep complaining about school?

Jesper 18 years, 5 months ago

Because holiday is such an awefull lot better [:D]!

sinkhead 18 years, 5 months ago


sirxemic 18 years, 5 months ago

Because you have chosen latin, I guess you're a "Gymnasiast"?

I am [:P]

Jesper 18 years, 5 months ago

Actually I'm not. At my school we have the strange thing called 'Atheneum with Latin'… Weird huh? You'd think as I ahve Latin, I'm Gymnasium, but not, my school is different again [:P]

Pitcures of my school called 'Hageveld' Or Hedgefield I think in English [:P].