Who am I? How did I get here?

Posted by JoshDreamland on Jan. 31, 2007, 3:25 p.m.

Well, I suppose it would be good of me to actually maintain this blog. So I'll tell you the story of how I got here…

Today it seems that many people take me for the face value of one game. Most people see me and think "Oh God, not another n00b" [not Takagi!] as oppose to seeing somebody with a bit of experience and a clue to what he was doing, just because I regressed to work on a simple game which I was proud of. Not to brag but I've messed around with just about every GM aspect I could find, ranging from my 3D Metroid Platformer to my simple to use MPlay library/example set. (I will release these as soon as I find out where library submission is, and if there is one.)

So as the title said, here's how it all started.

My name is Josh

Now that we are sure of that one, -_-, I suppose this whole programming thing started when I was twelve. I picked up on a pretty neat skill at the time, GBA hacking! W00t!1ONE So I would make codes for my little action replay for the GBA, all taht nice stuff. With that came hex, and simple operators/combinations such as if, and, or, not, xor, and the combinations of simple button codes as you would combine file attributes as a number; 1=A 4=B, 16=Up, whatever it was. Just that sort of thing. I was decent at this, but my envy was for the programmer, PARASYTE.

From there I wanted to program and be just like him. lol stupid 12-year-olds. So I found this RPG maker and started playing around with it. Unlike most n00bs, I read the manual. The if description lingers in my mind today. "If I ruled the world, then I would have a monkey.

I continued with the toolkit for like half a year, made simple programs in it. My first "game" was a text only fighting game for my brother. You were only told what was happening. Looking back I'd swear it was DOS. Nah but it felt like it. :p

From there I realized that their "RPG Toolkit 3," if I remember right, was worthless. It wouldn't compile stuff. So I went to www.howstuffworks.com, who had never let me down yet, and searched "C#" to learn. Sure enough I found it and picked up a few things, but I never could work the compiler. So I left yet again.

Continuing my search, I wound up at www.freewarehome.com, and there browsed the Game Developement section. Gamemaker happened to catch my eye.

So I downloaded and again, read the manual! I had made my first game in a matter of a few days. (Not including tutorials)

Seeing my friends playing my games, and enjoying them, made me continue for the next three years. So here I am today. ^_^;

As for today, after yet another long day of highschool– for which I am still doing my homework–I finally made up with somebody. So I've got a bit less to worry about. Yeah, it was some argument over one of my games, (the only one I have submitted to date) but it's all good now. Other than this really boring math homework.


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 1 month ago

Why do all the new members think this is important information?

JoshDreamland 18 years, 1 month ago

We were never told otherwise.

JoshDreamland 18 years, 1 month ago

But don't call me new. I only just started paying attention to the rest of the community. I've had this account for almost a year I'm sure.

Takagi 18 years, 1 month ago

I'm 99% sure you began "wailing" at me, stating that you weren't an idiot, after I told you that your GM problem in a topic was due to the fact that you were in degrees mode. And if I remember correctly, I was right (after Yourself said you were wrong).

I just have a tendency to remember things like that.

OBELISK 18 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to 64Digits.

Don't feed ChIkEn.

JoshDreamland 18 years, 1 month ago

Takagi–This sin't related to you… In fact, I don't even remember you. ^_^;;

JoshDreamland 18 years, 1 month ago

Oh yes, I remember that time! :p No, I wasn't ralking about you though. It was radians though that I wanted in degrees, wasn't it? Either way, I worked around it with lengthdir. :p So the whole thing was a waste of everyone's time. ^_^

melee-master 18 years, 1 month ago

"Why do all the new members think this is important information?"

Come on man, at least he didn't post a blog typical to new users. =P

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 1 month ago

He's been here for a while, this isn't his first blog. O_o

JoshDreamland 18 years, 1 month ago

@ melee-master–

Thanks for that.

@ Mast3rmind–

Ut oh… You're on to me! ;)