
Posted by JoshDreamland on Feb. 21, 2007, 5:49 p.m.

So sick of all the worthless crap that happens from day to day.

Today for example, as I was searching for VBasic and Perl programs to scan, I wandered upon this website offering the finest in VBasic programs. I was enthralled, until I noticed the text that was clearly visible in the front page description, "written in 100% C#, . . . ." At that point I was pissed to the point of spitting acid.

We had a giant test in Spanish today. Like 65 points I believe. She didn't even talk it up that much, IMO. But I think I did well. I had to bring is a Spanish recipe today also. I brought ham and beans; er, I mean, Habas con Jamón. [:P]

Also on the angering list, my brother decided to join 64Digits today. I remember his first piece of code…


if collision_circle with player move away


He didn't get to much farther than that. He did manage to start a platformer with no gravity. I added gravity for him but that's as far as he got there too.

But he's a member now anyway because he saw me on; so everyone welcome Psychik…

The real GM decompiler, if I remember right by Smarttart62 or whatever his name was (I think that's it) supposedly only required a "few lines of code." I don't know how accurate this is. But the fact that Mark will not have this fixed by GM7 is bugging me a lot…

Also that "Poor games" badge… I should have at least have the opportunity to earn that, like my ever growing hit count. ^_^;

But that's all I have to say. Actually, let's add Linksys to the list. Yay worthless Linksys!!!1!!11!1!11!!!111!!123 I've never had a good experience with them!!1!1!11! yay!!!!1!1!1!11!!!11!

There. Now I'm done.


Rusky 18 years ago

vb programs written in c#? what kind of a site is that???

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

A *worthless* crap one.

s 18 years ago

What is Linksys?


Why'd you delete all the comments?

Ack,what a horrid code,it doesn't even have any arguments…did you show him the help file?How would a platform game work without gravity?

I'm so happy to live in a no-pc liking familly,my mother uses computers at work and doesn't want to use them at home, my sister just uses it for iPod stuff and my dad hates them after he lost 800+songs he wrote.

Takagi 18 years ago

I think they were thinking "VB" because they used the .NET suite (which is a lot like VB).

WaleedAmer 18 years ago

Do you, by any chance, have the decompiler? If so, PM me. (I need to recover my first game and finish it.)

KaBob799 18 years ago

What is Linksys?

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

@Takagi– That may be it. Another one had checked Perl/VB syntax. So that's how they got away. :p

@amerup– Contact Smarttart. He signs off with -Steve on the GMC.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

@serprex– Missed you there! Sorry! Yeah, my dad hates computers. My mom does some internet, email, and Solitaire. My brother… He makes GIFs. He's getting more… proficient…

That's just it; It was supposed to be a platformer. :P

I just hope he doesn't read this… XP

[SJB]Dude7 18 years ago

I have Linksys wireless internet + the router, it works good for me, but I'm Comcastic.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago


Glad it works for ya! We've got Dynex now.