GM7 This Wednesday--Hate James Geary...

Posted by JoshDreamland on Feb. 23, 2007, 4:22 p.m.

It peeves me deeply that Mark didn't fix the encryption, for one, and that he announced, "YoYo Games has today announced that Game Maker version 7.0 will be available on Wedesday" instead of claiming his glory. It is his glory. Mark made Game Maker. Not Yoyo. Yoyo can go fuck themselves. I hate them now. With a passion.

In the movies and cartoons it is always a James who is a SPY and a GARY who is a thief. Look at the Yoyo cult leader: James Geary. JAMES: GEARY. JAMES. James. That's the spy name. Now GEARY. GEAAAARY. Gary. Evil ass.

In his GMC user name, he neglected to capitalize his own name. Now it's personal. ([:P])

As for my scanner, things aren't going too well since I have no new languages to add. But some day I'll finish. I think in the mean time I'm going to work on my Mario WIP. It was on request by Serprex as well as my classmates who do enjoy the game, especially since it's like my only free one I just give out (Damn license and copyrights….)

I also wanted to show 64Digits my best 3D work; my Metroid platformer I mentioned earlier. I may submit that as a temp. discontinued WIP or if necessary (and if I feel generous) an example. There aren't too awful many examples that big and complete, but the coding is completely non-adaptable. It was made by me, for me. From scratch. No you cannot have it yet. [;)]

So that's all the bad news…

As for the good news and on a happier note/less evil side of me, It's the weekend, for one thing.

Wait, that's the only good news. Oh well.

Along with the extra 2000 views I sent my small piece of code to… At 11 per minute times two computers I could accumulate >10000 views if I left it on while I was at school. I just may do that.

That's it for this entry. Comment, I want the next badge up (I hear it's more colorful [;)] )


poultry 18 years ago

u suk at makin gamez =(

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Thank you very much, ChIkEn.

:p You're doing that just to bug me, aren't you? I'm gonna fix that now…

GMWIZ 18 years ago


abacus 18 years ago

Chiken, go suck yourself, it's all the action you'll ever get.

Yoyo games can go suck their own pussys.

And James Geary has lesbian sex with is coworkerz. All of them. At the same time.

abacus 18 years ago

First line was joking. Second and third were true.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Amen, abacus!

Sorta gross though.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

[90th comment–Party time]

Polystyrene Man 18 years ago
JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Now that's not very nice.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

But I'll forgive you in exchange for three programs of a kind.