Clock Strikes 13

Posted by JoshDreamland on Feb. 23, 2007, 7:56 p.m.

You often know you've been up too long when the clock strikes 13. Obviously either you counted wrong, or that's your clock's way of retiring on you.

When I'm tired I'll wake up from my… haze… to find myself opening up random codes and scripts and poking about them aimlessly, checking for syntax errors, or other meaningless junk.

I'm no good at puzzles at night, so I almost gave up at Ludamad's puzzle game I kind of just found. [edit] beat it

Nice to see 64Digits works at night again. That's always good. A lot of interesting badges here; but some make no sense. Do mods just give them out randomly?

I kinda got nothing done in the past…. three hours. Oh well. I can't say I care after all that school shit. It's nice to just screw around for a time.

…I think my banner's too tall…

Nevertheless, I really should get looking for some programs of a kind and working on Super Mario Bros NSider again… *sigh*

I have a lot of stuff I really want to do, but trying to choose is hard so I don't and instead go do something else and it doesn't get done. Easy as that…

Maybe with some luck I'll be losing this "Shit games" badge soon…

If not I can just delete the game.

Since I have nothing else to write about, here's my Metroid game, or what I have of it.

Metroid 3D--Please comment when you're done.

So tell me what you think of the Metroid game. Also if you have two or three Perl, VB, or any language other than Delphi/C(#, ++), I will give credit to anybody that gives me two or three at least. Two people are already in the credits for that!

That's all again this time.


poultry 18 years ago


JoshDreamland 18 years ago

no, pi=3.14159265358979323846264338

Know that by heart lol

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Windows calculator says 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

It wins.

Where did that come from anyway?

Kaz 18 years ago

Or maybe you have a 24 hour clock! owned

Graydon 18 years ago

The metroid is pretty good so far. All you need now is to add alot of stuff and the game will be good. A sugestion is that you should add straffing.

GMWIZ 18 years ago

Really good

need sidestepping and the mud or walls were a bit on the cartoony side

you had a great presentation the only proplem you need to fix right away is samus moves like at super speed its kinda anoying when you miss a step and go to the bottem

well if you need music I have every song from every game in the world (more like amarican games) NOT MIDIS so pm me and i'll send them

but it would be better if you told me like the theme or a precise song title then i don't have to go through alot of troble downloading to this site

Rob 18 years ago

MY clock retired? =(

Radnom_Games 18 years ago

Lol, Chiken, you rounded. Used your calculator, right?

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Thanks for the comments, guys! I was considering a lot of the things you mentioned. I think I'm going to right now.