Yay! I hacked the poo out of it!

Posted by JoshDreamland on Feb. 24, 2007, 7:36 p.m.

So I recently beat Twister Ghost's LOLOMGWTFBBQ4. But for me the true fun of a game is going back and tearing the fuck out of it. So I recorded my hacked version of the game as I talked to HobomonkeyC. The unfortunate part is when hacking a message in this game, it has to contain the same amount of characters, or badness goes down. You can download the clip right here. Sorry about the ten seconds of standing there, sometimes my video capture program takes that long to start recording, so I gave it some time. Size vs authenticity, authenticity wins, sorry.

Now on to more about my games. I started back on my Metroid game. I fixed some of the code and cleanede it up. One glitch was fixed so far. Sorta brainstorming.

Speaking of brainstorming, my favorite English teacher gave me this giant, enormous, massively huge report to prewrite and start over the weekend. I hate her too now.

So you may be asking who else I hate. YOU. Yes, you. No, not really. Just James Geary as I said. Read my last blog entery and you'll get my opinion. He's the Yoyo cult leader that's soaking up Mark's glory.

That whole programs for credit thing is still on. Anyone that gives me three programs in the same language, excluding Gamemaker, C of any kind, and Delphi gets credit in my coding scanner that may be big some day.

Alright, I'm done now. I'll be thinking up shit to write in my game and my report.

Good night.

I have a problem signing off blogs, can you tell?


s 18 years ago

What program do you use to make videos?I got onto that since I wana do GM speedruns.

Which goes to Metroid.Have you seen the 18 minute MetroidNES run?

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

I use VidShot Capture. GM speedruns? I'm interested already!

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

I've seen the Marios, not Metroids.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Speaking of which, my Metroid game is already equipped with my strongest hackproof protection to date! [:)]

Pobble-Wobble 18 years ago

I use AviScreen.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Is it any good?

s 18 years ago


But yes,for speedruns,I want a compiler that will make low memory videos.

Any links?I'm going with AviScreen.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

I see. Low memory is hard to come by; we'll see how well this AviScreen fares.

s 18 years ago

4 seconds with lowest quality jpeg,by their options,with like 1 fps was 400+KB…sheesh…

contrendo 18 years ago

I know a good site for speedruns. http://speeddemosarchive.com/gamelist/FullList.html