Ahh, the Carnage of Programming

Posted by JoshDreamland on Feb. 25, 2007, 5:54 p.m.

Anybody who has ever made a big game knows that there is carnage involved. Yours. Unless you get angry at the computer first, in which case there will be flying keyboards.

But I don't get mad at my computer often. So I've been adding crap left and right to my 3D Metroid game in peace, with the exception of a few times I had to go help my brother (who is registered here now) learn to use Game Maker.

I think as soon as this version is done, meaning all the rooms are in and the transition system works flawlessly, I'll submit it as a WIP. I love it so far. Except that one door, 128 pixels high (like four Samuses!) and on the other side of the main room; which refuses to open without ballistically pressing the left mouse button to fire at least 30 times and wiggling around until it decides to stay open. Then when you try to walk Through it it closes right on you and although you fall to the ground, now you are stuck. So that evil door will either be fixed or die.


Surfing around I found the absolute funniest video ever. Shoes- Laugh it up (Can anyone show me how to embed this?)


On second thought, blog looks too short, better keep talking.

Found my calculator today; I picked up it's language within an hour. Now I can write programs for it, which is cool. It's a TI-82, Learning to program it is simple, give it a try.

Another thing, turns out the mods have nothing useful to say on the subject of my badge. So I'm sure after X number of complaints one of them will do something. I kinda thought JakeX would be quick to it, but now I guess not.

So NOW for me, that's it for today. Can't wait for my English homework for tomorrow! *caugh* *hack* *barf*


-0NL1N3- 18 years ago

After I read your blog, I came to the conclusion that your DesertFox is definitely broken. So, you better fix it.

Polystyrene Man 18 years ago

Please don't mention shoes.

My brother is a YouTube whore.

s 18 years ago

The bad games badge?

Submit another game,one good game takes that badge away.Perhaps the Metroid?

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

@Shadow_Yoshi and -0NL1N3-

Now it's not… Hm…


How did you do that? Amazing!

@serprex- Not necessary! Yay!

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Or now it is, now it's broken again…

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

So, how do I fix whatever it is?

s 18 years ago

Embedding the stuff I think requires privs.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

That's not so important right now to me as to "fix my DesertFox". What is that?

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

DFortune– How did you get it to where I can't? Seeing you left I tried your code, which costed your reply, btw; sorry.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tYnn51C3X_w"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tYnn51C3X_w" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Rob 18 years ago

STFU Shadow Yoshi