So recently I've had two strictly D&D projects to decompile, but it isn't going well. I need to… Go through my process… Without loading the game. If I try to change it during the game, it does not affect the performance at all. If I change a string, the game will have that in memory; but, it won't display the changed one. So there lies a small problem. So I'm gonna look for the debug window address; I believe it is compiled into all GM games, from what I've seen.
I've cooled down a bit about the whole Yoyo thing since I got it all working. I plan to save my 3D Metroid platformer with it when I have some more free time. Right now I have a giant English report to do on our favorite short story. Although I feel I'm overplaying the word "hate," I hated all of them. So now my English teacher is absorbing the majority of the hate, so there's none left for anybody else and I'm thinking clearly once more. (I can hardly say a sentence correctly when I get too pissed.)Also, I have been working on that Metroid game. The doors are a bit more realistic, or at least more Metroid like. I also thought up a way to check from room to room, using sprites, unfortunately. I plan to scale them to 1/32 scale. This will be possible because of the rooms' shape. So I'll be busy with a lot of things, especially with the new Game Maker 7 to explore.And for those of you wondering, that D&D game was Shawn64's old game Infection that Rob gave to me.Also, Big 5000! Woot!
omg you stole my image!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I made that…. X_X
I went to dreamland and never came back.