All in a Day's Work

Posted by JoshDreamland on March 3, 2007, 3:29 p.m.

Well, I guess I have all I need done today. I cleaned my room, excercised for all of 20 minutes, which is all I ever do each day, tended to my brother who is still here after joining against my wishes a week ago, and even visited my hamsters. The only thing left to do is clean their cages. Nice and simple Saturday. I also got my English report from yesterday… adequite.

So that left the thing I just finished with; I offered to decompile Ludamad's unfinished game Ciribot. It worked as well as could be expected. I got him the scripts (names and content), his massive collection of sprites in that game (Holy cow many sprites), and his backgrounds. If anyone has any idea how to export object event scripts, let me know and I'll be the first one ever to do it. (But there is no way anyway–this needs to be done in GML, and I've never seen a piece of code that can get the contents of an event; only set)

But along with getting all I could out of Ludamad's game, I managed to get some work done on my Metroid game. The doors are more Metroid like finally. They show the shield. I plan to add bugs to shoot at then upload. Ahh, the classic bug. A Metroid game just wouldn't bde right without bugs and carnivorous plants now, would it? So the doors work, or at least the vertical ones (birds-eye vertical) and are very Metroid like, you have an arm cannon which is evry Metroid like, there is a Morphball, which is pretty Metroid like, the only thing that isn't too metroid like is the ship, but whatever; I can experiment. [:P]

So I guess I'm in business now. If you need an old game of yours, lost to corruption, gimme a holler.

Actually, this blog is still looking a little short, so I'll type on about something else.


Actually I have nothing else to type on about. Just keep a look out for my Metroid game by Monday, I'd say.

Wayt, acshually, I noz,

Bage tiem!



s 18 years ago

There has to be a way to decompiling GM.It'd be easier in Delphi,GM's foundation.Perhaps you can find out how GM creates EXEs more by decompiling it?That could be reverse engineering,but I don't know how much you actually care.

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

There is no way discovered yet to get to object data. If a GM call could access it I'd get it no hassle.

LunchTime 18 years ago

ChIkEns name is Ryan? hehe….

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Where'd that come from Slash?

Rob 18 years ago

OMG The Columns X badges are back!!

Rob 18 years ago

Hey, How come I don't have them?

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

Rob-Reupload. They may just hate you.

Rob 17 years, 12 months ago


poultry 17 years, 12 months ago

wtf @ slash

JoshDreamland 17 years, 12 months ago
