So last night, I went to bed. *gasps* *no wai* Well, while I was asleep, my Metroid game was approved and downloaded 9 times before I woke up. I gave it the critical update I had planned, but then, I saw it was like 5 on the front page. I'm like, "Okay, at least I have a couple days like those other guys I waited on."
But as you can see, it is not on the front page.[:(]EDITAnd now it is!!! … So it's fairness again…Luckily it was up long enough to accumulate three ratings, all tens! So I'm pleased about that. Not sure that I deserve it, but I like it none the less.The game can be viewed of coarse, just not from the front page. >.>
Although I did get a chunk of the fairness. My dad's driving me to school today, so I have the next two hours to do whatever I want. So I'm gonna read my freaking giant ass book.Great Expectations my foot, that bitch has to die.
Thanks to those that made

Polystyrene Man–
lol I used the same sarcasm with my English teacher. After a while she looked right at me and went, "You're so funny!" With a smile… I thought she was gonna kill me.marbs–Tell me about it. Luckily I read mine over the summer for entry into the class. v_v Like paying to work….has anyone read the year with out micheal its a book about this kid named micheal then he gets lost then the family hate each other then at the end micheals never found
Theres NO FRIKEN ENDING!!!The school picked it "waste of my time"And it was short only 180 pages I hate short booksBut who like long books….
Heck who even likes Books…ok mabye some people…like librairyans…My mom. :p
Ya,clone games either get huge ratings or hate ratings