And soon it will be Saturday, so I better blog fast. :p
Those who know me well by now can probably estimate for you what I've been up to all day (though actually I was helping a friend of mine build a game instead of taking more apart)So, Speaking of which, here're the leftovers from my ColumnsX excursion.First off, the SUPPAH SCORER!<img src="" alt="Hacking ColumnsX 2: The Big Loot" height=240 width=320>Click to enlargeAlso, my Needs-to-be-stretched banner.

Also I've been collecting Metroid stuff. I can't seem to figure out how to open .cob files; the models.However I try my best anyway. I was playing the real Metroid and felt kinda sad how impossibly better it is than me. [:(] Oh well. Maybe I can come a little closer in the future.Until then though, good night. I have a shit load of… shit… To do.Good night, or whatever.END
Nah, not without reason…[SJB]Dude7–Yai! lolserprex–My way's more fun.bryan–Yep.Umm…why'd you hack it? Not cool…1/10…
HEHEHE I love hacking it lets you do stuff!!!
So says you…GMWIZ–Okay thenHEHEHE
I agree with dreamland hacking is cooland crane why did you just rate his blog…. i mean…That dosen't make senceor sense or however you spell it…hey can make me second on the HS table or no…
Jake would definitely have a fit if I did that.