XD I'm waiting to see what people say about me putting [J@D] in my title. For those of you wondering about the @, that is my username of choice: Josh <b>@</b> Dreamland. As for the title, it's because this blog is about an idea of mine, and 'Tools of Oppression' was a previous blog of mine. =o Just FYI.
Anyway, the idea that this whole blog is about.As I continued my old coding scanner project that now supports C, C#, C++. Delphi, GM5.3, GM6.0, GM6.1, AND NOW GM7.0; I decided on a new brilliant idea: Compression.I started development on a new GM7 exe compression tool. As I debugged, I had to slightly lessen the compression, but it is still around 1,752,000 B less per EXE. That's right, almost 2 MB per each executable. And if people take well to this, I can probably pull off the entire 2 MB. The only thing between myself and releasing the program is the potential for this breaking the terms of the EULA. My argument was that this program was hardly worse than WinZip, if worse at all, as far as violating the EULA goes.So before I take it much further, I want a vote. VOTE, PEONS!!!… Please?Assuming that this is just like WinZip, just as flexible and easy to use, and every bit as fast; and also assuming it in no way violates the terms of the EULA or has any negative side effects, please vote on whether or not you would use this program. Consider that it could very well catch on, and does save Nearly 2 MB. Free, like $0 of course.The falls are that both parties need the program, and it only does GM7 and then later GM6 games.<iframe src="http://www.loganoth.com/64Polls/poll.php?Poll_id=79" width=400 height=200></iframe>Thanks to Chiken for his pwnsome poll system. XDEND
It was more pwnsome but my host kept overwriting it. :(
It had little bars and everything, too. <.<How would this infringe upon the EULA?
Tampering with the runner, part of my system. Technically WinZip fucks it up too though. =/
Yay, all yeses!
I voted yes for the hell of it. Good luck lol.
Go ahead,as long as its no profit(meaning free)you are fine
If you are really gibbed,put it in your FTP and don't publicly release,just let the word spread about the underground after PMing peopleserprex–
I like the way you think. XDIt's 100% Free. $0. Zip. Nada. The only thing you have to do is download.I see,very nice(I just remember you were talking of selling MPlay(ha!))
So ya,freeware is not the most easily crushed thing and as long as you just keep it as a thing to pass around,the big people who would have the power to jibber jabber will have bigger fish to fryYep. And when this catches on, it'll come to pass and they'll accept it.