[J@D] Umm, yeh...

Posted by JoshDreamland on April 25, 2007, 3:12 p.m.

7199 Hits.

I wanna see the results of posting one blog entry.

However, there is text here. So go ahead, read.

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>GAME MAKER</td></table>

To be quite honest, I am getting sick of Game Maker. I'm sick of its utter dependency on DLLs written in real languages. I need to stick more to the problem. I shouldn't be obtaining or even writing DLLs to save a shit language. I'm an explorer by nature, entertained by things to… explore, find out about, be good at, experiment with. And I'm done exploring GM. It's not big enough. Somehow, it just isn't. I should just drop Game Maker and move on. But heh, I'll stick around here for a while, aren't you lucky?

It finally convinced me lately after talking with Evilish about his 35 KB C++ shit that works better than anything Mark will ever bring to us. I think it is pointless to care for something like GM now.

I don't know any C++, (or at least very little that carries over from the limited C I know), but I stopped worrying when Evilish showed me a code that I immediately mistook for GML. So I will have a lot of learning yes, but basics and apparently some functions at least are the same.

Then it occurred to me that lately I've been taking more Game Maker apart than I have been putting together. When I sucked DFortun's code from his extension package, That put me over the edge. Not his fault, I would have realized this anyway.

I don't encourage any of you to follow me, especially since some of your games are … fine in GM despite its limitations.

I will finish up some of my projects before I switch. I may port over the Compressor when I am ready for those of you who would like it .5/1.5 MB less.

I also don't plan to leave 64Digits. I will always know GML just as I still know my other previous language.

So don't sweat it if you think you'd miss me.

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>LIFE</td></table>

Life. Need to get one. Add that to my to-do list.

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td><a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">GM7Zip</a></td></table>

I remember talking to Marbs a while back, before I had even fully hatched the idea of <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">the compressor.</a>

I asked what they could possibly put in a GM7 exe to take up another whole megabyte. Marbs came up with an answer I didn't doubt; the Eula.

Now that the idea's done, many have <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">a copy</a>, none use it. Maybe I can get FSX or Melee to give out a badge? …


That's another reason I'm so pissed about GM. Anyone can complain about the new size, no one can just use <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">the compressor</a>.

Some of my friends are going to use <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">it</a>, but that's it. So if you'd like to help in the effort, please use <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">it.</a> The only thing that's going to get many to use <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">it</a> is having a few use <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">it</a>.

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>NEW BANNER</td></table>

You like it? Better?

It's abstract and dreamland-ish. Deal with it. =/ XD

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>THIS</td></table>

<img src="http://64digits.com/users/JoshDreamland/DreamWeave.PNG">

Generated in GM on white bitmap.

Algorithm, where lastcol = old color and dx/dy are pixel position:




GMWIZ 17 years, 10 months ago


diffrent kind of smiley

Rob 17 years, 10 months ago

I thought it took away 1.75mb off GM7, well, it did for me.

s 17 years, 10 months ago

You could give people the GM7z

Ya,way too much work,but…

JoshDreamland 17 years, 10 months ago





Yep. Good!



Chicken had some sort of idea. I don't know though, I say it wouldn't work.

s 17 years, 10 months ago

CodeDrawing is so amazing.I should make a surreal+part in ExFedRaw to use crazy textures like that

I was thinking,would it be at all possible to convert GM6exes to GM7exes or ViceVersa?

I'm thinking not,since they probably tweaked encrypt systems

GMWIZ 17 years, 10 months ago

im watching 2 noobish 10 year olds play halo2 co-op sooooooooooooo booooooooooring…..

JoshDreamland 17 years, 10 months ago


Not easily.

Good luck with the code draw! [:)]


Wowz…. Who puts that on the interwebz?

marbs 17 years, 10 months ago

I asked what they could possibly put in a GM7 exe to take up another whole megabyte. Marbs came up with an answer I didn't doubt; the Eula.

s 17 years, 7 months ago

Fractals will rule the world one day,and if you don't believe me I'll make it happen sooner by being the one to do it