[J@D] Good news, dumb news!

Posted by JoshDreamland on April 28, 2007, 8:44 p.m.

I love those people at tech support. You have to saw off your arm To get them to do anything for you.

Just recently I fixed the sound on my mom's computer.

How you ask?

By backing up 2 GB of shit on a 1 GB Flash drive and running a destructive system recovery. Basically, this manages to UBERformat the C:/ drive and then put factory settings and files back.


But luckily I backed it all up! =)

Also, DFortun81 will be quite relieved to know that I extracted his 400 KB (TEXT-ONLY!!) scripts from his extension package since he lost the old ones. (Read his blog about PWNTing himself for details.)

That was all fine and dandy after a fucking hour extracting 30 KB at a time. >_< But I got it all out.

Then the next problem.

As most any language would express return carriages and newlines, as Evilish expressed by having no real expression at my mentioning of that, my… er… pet… expresses them as

. So I had to write something to replace those and the 's with newlines and blanks. But it looks nice now. ^_^ Dylan should be quite pleased.


Dylan has his scripts now. He was indeed quite pleased. Though those random í's the scans left behind probably annoy him more than he lets on… *whistle*

As for some more stupid news, check this out:

<img src="http://64digits.com/users/JoshDreamland/why_I_hate_notepad.PNG">

Why I hate notepad. Sure, this time it was just as a joke, 'cuz it's hilarious. But this REALLY FUCKING PISSED ME OFF when I really wanted to know where the hell the word number was. This <b>is</b> real. All you have to do is start with a space in the document and the whole search engine glitches.

And of course my dad was there, he is a genius but he doesn't like computers. So… That makes him completely computer illiterate. And I despise it when computer illiterate people tell me something about the computer that I disagree with, and they are right at the fault of a program. Like capitalization in a case-insensitive search. Or search for order number instead of number to get more results. When that worked I wanted immediately to hang whoever made notepad by his jugular. Especially when my dad started to yell and gloat about being better at computers than the programmer.

But I'd have done it with a smile! =D

Now I know it seems unfair that I should make you work for the prize at the end of the blog, but you must keep reading. So here's the next article of dumb news. I was bored so I stole a friend of mine's favorite saying. I'll show you a transcript. XD

Quote: IM with Serprex

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

math question:

Josh @ Dreamland says:

If you're paddling up stream and your wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a dog house?

Serprex says:

How is that a math question?

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Answer: None! Ice cream doesn't have bones, silly.

Serprex says:

That makes no sense

Josh @ Dreamland says:



It's just fun to ask good ol' serprex stupid shit. He's amazing. Sometimes in a good way. sometimes in a more funny way. ^_^

DF's answer I think I liked the best: Three dollars and thirty cents. XD

Also, the fun part! XD<img src="http://64digits.com/users/JoshDreamland/Funni02.PNG">

Quote: IM With Marbs

marbs says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:


Quote: IM With Noodle

Noodle says:

heh. fox is also @ dreamland Xd

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Quote: IM With Serprex

Serprex says:

Heh. Fox@Dreamland?

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Quote: IM With Rob

Rob says:

Fox @ Dreamland

Rob says:



Rob says:

I think marbs is stalking me.

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Also a certain member here really pissed me off just now on his "TOO MANY PPL HAVE 10Z AND ONLY I DEZERVE TEHM" rampage, so I decided to hand out his scripts:

<a href='javascript:alert("Sorry,

None of his projects were actually worth taking apart. So I changed my mind. Lawl!1")'>Linkzy</a>

Alright, finally some great news to go along with all the stupid news.

I've been going from mod to mod lately. XD I feel sorta bad asking for so much shit from the mods. But they'll forgive me, right? =3

Everyone (except TG!! =O ) has supported <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">GM7Zip</a> in some way shape or form. Well, Melee just pitched in also by telling me I get a badge handing out system like he gave Ace02 and DF. I can't wait.

That's right kiddies,

Use <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=JoshDreamland&cmd=comments&id=16134">GM7Zip</a>,

get a badge.




JoshDreamland 17 years, 10 months ago

Hi Carlos, I'm Josh. ^_^;;

Though you knew that. XD

Yep, I blame Notepad. Wordpad glitches if you copy from a PNG file from paint into the program. It takes up less space, but it stops saving at that picture.

s 17 years, 10 months ago

@george=No need to post another image of a simple bug.It'd be neat to actually know why Npad bugs over that though

@all=Note the space in my quote,as you can see it took some circles to drag a quote out.Seriously,making a quote and hiding all the dirty work

Finally got a GM7Zbadge going,eh?May want to put a link in this blog too(url= is great,eh?)How much armtwisting did you have to do for that one?

DesertFox 17 years, 10 months ago

Hey, I got an error in which it said 'A system call that should never fail has failed' I've got a pic somewhere. Ill find it later.

JoshDreamland 17 years, 10 months ago

lawl @ serprex


That is _AMAZING_. Win95/98? Or was that really XP?

JoshDreamland 17 years, 10 months ago


Less than I expected more than I wanted.


thepharaoh 17 years, 10 months ago


That's because you had the cursor text point think after the last number and you have it searching down, and there are none down there. It's funny though.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

Wow, long blog! My god, he's right! Windows XP is so gay.
Yeah, because that bug definitely doesn't exist in preceding versions of Windows…

JoshDreamland 17 years, 10 months ago


Possibly, I did not

Polystyrene Man–

Maybe. XD JakeX's new ST has more bugs than the old!

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, but I don't think Notepad has been updated since windows 3.1 [:)]

LunchTime 17 years, 10 months ago

im in 3 of the 4 active users list!