[J@D] Sapphire Tears and a failed prank

Posted by JoshDreamland on June 3, 2007, 1:59 p.m.

Hello 64Digits. Yes I'm still alive.

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So this blog is about my adventures on ST! Wewt. And whatever else I tack on.


Okies, it all started when ST was young and not as interesting codewise. I was learning the basics with Jakeypoo. He R my frend. :3

I had just gotten a grip on the block laying system when the battle started. Oh the simplicity of the time! jxfps.no-ip.org. That was it. All you had to do to connect. Any name you wanted. But then things got a little more advanced. I was of the first testers for some reason. I did NOT hack the beta. <_< But we did have some fun. Then I decides those Chinese sons of a bitches are goink daown. So they launch a nuke at China. … Actually, I wanted to have some allusion to Metroid in ST, and also renamed the still-undistributed new version of Metroid Prime GM to Metroid Prime: Jade Fear. HA! But that was never released, and you never, by looking at it, would have thought it my idea: the new addition to the game; thermal visor.

At that time you could press control or something to look through the scope of the… Newly added sniper or the old handgun. Now, after nagging and begging and seething and pleading and torturing and however you think of this sentence right now, Jake finally added his own manipulation of the Thermal Visor with the sound that I ripped from Metroid. =D He used the switch visor sound for the You-Are-Out-Of-Clips-You-Dunderhead noise. I'da ripped him that one if he really wanted it… <_<

But thus from the ashes the thermal visor was born. Or at least from a lot of time on Jake's part to perfect the blend mode. He added energy after I chronically abused it by constantly using it. Others used it a lot too… And I'm not sure that without it we'd have boost. =O Or high jump. =O Or any of the other strange amenities he added in there. =O All you'd have is a scope! =O But meh, maybe he woulda dunnit anyway.

In fact, post if you use it. I want to feel special.

ANYWAY, after that we had some more things start to come in, as I lost interest in the project temporarily. He added the neat new… Visors… Energy consuming thingymahwhatsits. He also added points, corrupting the fun of some parts of hacking. I did promise Jake that I will not bump myself to #1 by cheating like that. =P But I wasn't planning to for ColumnsX either though until GG and Evil decided to.

That reminds me. Okay, so you're walking down the street. You have all sorts of Godly powers, 'k? Now, some people are pissing you off; talking about you, mouthing off to you, ignoring you, whatever it is. What do you do? You obviously rapid fire a sniper at them, correct? CORRECT. So I rapid fired my sniper. =O But then it got worse. At first I told Jake to do his best on the health. He pulled it off with a global var for it accompanied by a local var for it. If he REALLY wanted it to work, he'd make it serverside. Then only the host could hax. But then I'd kill you all at my whim if you joined me. =P (But by looking at his code, I'd just see no effect anyway as they are all clientside. If not, it'd prolly strike an unknown var error if I just say global.hp[1]=0. Unknown who_is_da_killer variable. =p )

Moving SWIFTLY forward, after I rapid fired my sniper for/at/near/around/through him, he added a variable obj_player.shot_delay. When it is zero, you can fire. When not… Well, you wait for it to be zero, no matter how much ammo you have, or you can't shoot. But that failsafe doesn't hurt you nice people who reload before shooting now does it?

Then after that I had a question about some of his new additions: Basically the whole nine yards you see today. I was baffled by the cloaking device, *how could people see me?!* No actually I just wanted him to make you completely invisible. But he wouldn't answer so I set MSN to nudge him… a lot… Well, he got annoyed and blocked me. XD But I got him to unblock me so instead he hid my 64D account from me and everyone else. So if you wondered where I was… Hehehe.

But in the end he unhid it. Then he added this wonderful piece of code to it:

Login button Mouse-left-pressed event:


if global.use_name="JoshDreamland"

registry_write_string_ext("SoftwareGame MakerVersion 6Preferences","A1K4","")


Game start event:


if registry_exists_ext("SoftwareGame MakerVersion 6Preferences","A1K4")


show_message("Sapphire Tears has detected that you are a noob. Please go away.")




So that did make me scratch my head for a little bit, anyway. Jake just told me he was gonna time how long it took me to get past it. I got past it. =P

But there is where my story for you ends. If you really read all that, you deserve some form of commemoration.

As for the rest of my life; everything seems to be falling into place. Although sometimes I have to move out of the way of some of the things that are falling into place to avoid dieing. That's the way it should be though, right?

One more thing, Sk8's menacing attempt at a prank.





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JakeX says:

You dirty bastard

Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

I know what your up to

Josh @ Dreamland says:

What did I do THIS time?

Josh @ Dreamland says:

What am I up to? =O

JakeX says:

Haha, you would say that

JakeX says:

YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! ////Here is where I noticed it was sk8.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I DO! =O

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

Yes you do

Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

Okay Josh

Josh @ Dreamland says:

No seriously, ////Here is where I decided to play along.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

what's up?

JakeX says:

Now tell me what you changed my reflect password to

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

I swear I didn't

JakeX says:


JakeX says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Same thing happened to me a little bit ago ////Yes, once I <b>was</b> locked out until restart.

JakeX says:

Lets see how you like being banned

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Just close and reopen

Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

from 64d and ST

Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

Beter find who did it than

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Do you need me to hack it back for you? ////Just lol.

JakeX says:

Or your ass is fucked

JakeX says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

Hack it back

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I will attempt. ////Didn't even open it.

JakeX says:

Oh realy ////ya realy.

JakeX says:

What was it before?

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I don't know if what I plan will work

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Now if I didn't change it,

////Another brilliant deduction that Jake would not have made.

JakeX says:

You know my old pass

Josh @ Dreamland says:

how would I know that?

JakeX says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

listen to me.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I will hack a game,

Josh @ Dreamland says:

change a value,

Josh @ Dreamland says:

and play God.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I will NOT change an admin password.

////Who would? Maybe if there was only one…. XD

JakeX says:

Oh really?

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Talk to someone else, it weren't me.

JakeX says:

lets see what your isp has to say about that

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Go right ahead. Zoom doesn't hate me that bad. ////Yes, they do

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Wait a second.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

How will my ISP get you your password?

JakeX says:

I can get your internet service terminated

JakeX says:

and hacking is a federal offence ////Which country are you in again?

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Listen to me.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I didn't do it.

JakeX says:

Have fun in Jail ////Just like that!

Josh @ Dreamland says:

In honesty,

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I don't know how.

JakeX says:


JakeX says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

My only method of getting someone's password ////Which is uber effecient. <_<

Josh @ Dreamland says:

would be forcing a program to try every instance.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I'd joke about it,

Josh @ Dreamland says:

not do it.

JakeX says:

I dont believe it Josh

Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

You hacked ST

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Not Reflect.

JakeX says:

And CollumsX

Josh @ Dreamland says:


JakeX says:

I know your power

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Not reflect.

JakeX says:

now change my password back

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I have no internet power!

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

if I try my best

Josh @ Dreamland says:

to change your password,

Josh @ Dreamland says:

will you get off my case?

JakeX says:

Yes ////Off my case and into Jake's account XD

Josh @ Dreamland says:

What was it before? ////Can you blame me for trying?

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Or gimme a temp ////On second thought I'll bet you can…

Josh @ Dreamland says:

to change to

JakeX says:

I think you know that you dirty bastard

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I don't care.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Jake, I'm not that mean to anyone.

JakeX says:

Okay my password before was : Sk8m8trix

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Ask sk8. Even when he got some n00bs pass on the GMC,

////Here is where I was gonna start to make fun of him to "Jake"

JakeX says:

I AM Sk8m8trix

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I only watched.

JakeX says:


JakeX says:


JakeX says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

No your not. ////He ended it before I could…

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Now seriously.

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Be realistic.

JakeX says:

Look at my email

JakeX says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

STFU NOOB I'M NOT DONE ////That's something you tell a pissed admin…

Sk8m8trix says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Be realistic.

Sk8m8trix says:

Actually im saving it

Sk8m8trix says:


Sk8m8trix says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

I could never get to your password.

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Sk8m8trix says:


Sk8m8trix says:

Im sk8m8trix

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

I know. ////Duh…

Sk8m8trix says:

Not JakeX

Sk8m8trix says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Now can I finish?

Josh @ Dreamland says:


Sk8m8trix says:

Im not even listing

Sk8m8trix says:


Sk8m8trix says:

fine finish

Josh @ Dreamland says:

I hate you

Sk8m8trix says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:


Sk8m8trix says:


Josh @ Dreamland says:

Just post it

Josh @ Dreamland says:

That was fun though

Sk8m8trix says:

did you know the whole time?

Josh @ Dreamland says:

<sk8m8trix@hotmail.com>. ////That was clearly visible in his personal message. <_<

Josh @ Dreamland says:

Hard to miss

Sk8m8trix says:

Ja >_____>

Sk8m8trix says:

Noce cover

Sk8m8trix says:

Nice cover*

Sk8m8trix says:



So he told me I should post it. So I did. YaYs. The shit in //// is commenting, if you didn't guess =p

But anyway, the real giveaway that made me look was the…

"what your up to" instead of <b>you're</b>

"Im" instead of <b>I'm</b>

"CollumsX" … Wow. Just wow.

But meh. I woulda done prolly the same thing to the real Jake. =p Either way, congrats on finishing reading this blog. I feel sorry for the mod whose job it is to read this'n. (Prolly Jake)



I baked you guys a <strike>cookie</strike>. Hacking collage. Enjoy.





FireflyX 17 years, 9 months ago

Wow for once i agree with serprexs objecting XD