[J@D] Florida

Posted by JoshDreamland on June 10, 2007, 11:22 a.m.

Yep. I'm in a hotel down here in Florida, USA. I'm on a handheld, utilizing the Citi wifi for free. =D

<script type="text/javascript"> obj = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); ind2 = -1; for (i=0;i<obj.length;i++) { if (obj.innerHTML.indexOf("JoshDreamland's Page") != -1) { ind2 = obj; i = obj.length; } } if (ind2 != -1) { ind2.innerHTML = ind2.innerHTML.replace("JoshDreamland's","Josh @ Dreamland's"); } </script>

However I have to tilt this thing just right or it disconnects and I have to go through the city logon page again.

I'm using a letter recognizer, so forgive the ãs and stuff if I leave any, or whatever.

I apparently got my 10,000th hit while I was down here, so that's cool.


KC-LC is clearing GM7Zip with Mark, she tells me. I hope so, otherwise I'ma be pissed.

I put together, while I was down here, something to let users of a game execute code in it safely (No potential viruses or decompilations). If I make a game with it, it'll be online, and you'll design your own world in GML.


The reason I'm inside, by the way, is that I'm FUCKING sunburnt. Bad. And this tiny screen gives me no concept of how long this blog is. So it'll probably get tagged even after I finish.

But oh well.

Last night we stayed at this one hotel… It was a very nice Best Western with a pool, continental breakfast, everything. It was bought out by Budget Lodging… What does that tell you? It was a peach. I was actually amused by the hole in the bathroom door, had the empty pool. The hot ass room with the dirty bedsheets, aud the complete lack of amentities such as soap pissed me off.

But we made it after 1150 miles of driving. And it's awesome.

As for the hack-of-the-blog, those of you who missed it can return to my last blogand watch it rain pigs in Falcon Squad.



Austin 17 years, 8 months ago

I live in Florida. It is a pretty shitty state, mainly because it is so damn hot right about now.

WaleedAmer 17 years, 8 months ago

It's even hot up here in New Jersey…

marbs 17 years, 8 months ago

I've never been to Florida, but from the sounds of things, I havent missed out on much =P

KaBob799 17 years, 8 months ago

Ive only been to florida in the fall but it seemed nice.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 8 months ago

"he tell me" KC LC is female, and a feminist at that.

god 17 years, 8 months ago

I live there.

(disregards all of the anti-florida comments)

Arcalyth 17 years, 8 months ago

KCLC is female.

DFortun81 17 years, 8 months ago

Yuck. It's too humid in Florida.

Kaz 17 years, 8 months ago

<s>Too many hot chicks in Florida</s>

Not anything to do in Florida.

JoshDreamland 17 years, 8 months ago

I knew KC was a girl. Sometimes this omits letters, and I don't catch it.

There's plenty td do here. I'ma go swimming for now. Tomorrow we're parasailing. Then we're going fishing, then back home after a couple days of swimming again, we're heading home. Doesn't seem like much but for one week…