That's right all you happy people. (and Jaxx) Luda and I got together and finished a prank he had started on Jaxx. It was funny. Here are the convo pieces in some sort of order or another. These are all my side.
<script type="text/javascript"> obj = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); ind2 = -1; for (i=0;i<obj.length;i++) { if (obj.innerHTML.indexOf("JoshDreamland's Page") != -1) { ind2 = obj; i = obj.length; } } if (ind2 != -1) { ind2.innerHTML = ind2.innerHTML.replace("JoshDreamland's","Josh @ Dreamland's"); } </script>It's too big for 64D. Download the file of transcripts <a href="">here</a>. Sorry for the inconvenience.For those of you who don't want to read all that, here are the highlights:Luda tells me what's up. Jaxx is believing Jake is a Popstar. OMG. But whatever. He then innocently tells me to lie to Jaxx about seeing a record by Jake at the music store, which I never really go to.So for great justice, I do so. And then I had fun. So we did it more. We wove ourselves a fun little web, sharing secretly what kind of music Jake sung. Wow. J-Pop it was. I informed Jaxx that Jake sung like a girl. He believed me. So… Meh. He wanted to download Jake's records. XD!But then after a while Luda and I started to admit we pranked him. Then we decided yo pretend to be someone else. I went from being Josh to being several mods like JakeX and Desert Fox, and other members, and Luda got to be me for a little, then Kenon, … it was bad.But eventually Luda ran the credits. XD And then Jaxx said he was back. I was laughing hysterically, then Jaxx is like "back". I wanted to have a fit. But whatever.<B><FONT SIZE=+3>CREDITS</FONT></B>Shocking conclusion: I'm ludamad he's josh.YOU ARE A SUPER PLAYER!*ending music*<B>PROGRAMMERS:</B> ADAM JOSH<B>GRAPHICS:</B> JAKEX<B>STORYLINE:</B> KENONJaxx says:BackT_T<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>I CAN STILL MAKE TABLES =O</td></table>Yeah I haven't used one o' them table dividers in a while, so I decided to do so.Still haven't hacked anything. On the contrary I made a random number generator that is freeze proof. =3 Though in reality that's a bit pointless. Meh.Even though this blog is 95% Transcript, this is a lot of effort for a blog, so I hope this doesn't get tagged. That textbox I'm making has waving text and shit. Oh yeah. Tight. *cough* Animated text hasn't been done before to my knowledge, so I feel special. If it has I think I'm just gonna drop the project anyway, so let me know.K thx all bai.END.
LMAO I fell for that bad. Lol at the penis convo, forgopt to mention you were looking at the pics, eh?
Review is much nicer than transcript
Indeed it is, Serpy.
Ludamad says:Jaxx says:your ludamad>Adam< School's muthafucking done says:VERY GOOD.Why not change the last blog to this?
Well,tis quite obvious…it would seem
Hah Jaxx is so easy XD
Jaxx is inbeed a bit easy.
He might de bislexic
bislexic! XD
No, that's the new thing. The really old new thing.