[J@D] Well well well... Happenings.

Posted by JoshDreamland on July 10, 2007, 8:15 p.m.

Wow. It's been a while. If you haven't noticed.

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A lot has happened in the past… From a GM7 decompiler I coded using a method Serpydo came up with, to the theft of my GM7Zip.

We'll start with GM7Zip.

Yoyo decided they liked the idea. I went to clear the idea with them now that they had settled in, and this is what I got:

Hi Josh,

Good idea… So good, in fact, we're already developing something similar! The next version of Game Maker is going to have -lots- of exciting new features that many people will find very pleasantly surprising - although apparently there'll be one less surprise for you :) Hehe. We are currently working on exactly the same thing, except implimented directly into Game Maker. The problem with having a 3rd-party plugin is that, and please correct me if I'm wrong here - it would start to exclude people who don't have/don't want to install the plugin, from playing games created with it. We don't want to exclude anyone, so an integrated feature would be more inclusive - don't you agree?

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this so please respond,



I was at first quite happy to see this…. My legacy continuing…. How cool is that? Then it hit me. Oh fuck. I don't get mentioned for the idea, as they are "already developing something similar". I wish those words echoed in your head as they do mine, you silly fillet of egret. Or something.

If it does, good for you; A+ for the day. If not, how about a consolatory barf for me?

But I want all of you to remember. That will be enough. Not that I am not striving for compatibility and credit.

So instead of GM7Zip being something to remember me by, I am putting together a game… a pretty nifty game, IMO. It has some decent (or not too shabby for GM anyway) physics, and pretty colors. This will include a kick ass text box. No matter what you like, this game will prolly have something for you in it.

So here is a picture, for those of you who are nonbelievers:

<a href="http://64digits.com/users/JoshDreamland/thisthinggamelastthinggamethatimmaking.PNG"><img src="http://64digits.com/users/JoshDreamland/thisthinggamelastthinggamethatimmaking.PNG" width=640 height=480 border=7>

Click to enlarge. No additional loading.</a>

And as for the GM7 decompiler… Just forget about it. It works. That's the extent of it. It was my first ever C++ program. How very ironic, eh? You all knew I was destined for great things, especially when you were all calling me nooby my first week or two XD

And also, everyone out there who is interested in some of my projects from the past, I'll be giving away source codes to all my games that I haven't finished. This includes the Metroid Prime GM Source. That's nothing to sneeze at, IMO. Needs a little work, but over all….




FireflyX 17 years, 7 months ago

Wow. It's been a while. If you haven't noticed.
Really? I had no idea XD

Well i still use your GM7 decompiler :p

s 17 years, 7 months ago

Firefly…the decompiler opens debug,I think you are thinking of GMZ

JoshDreamland 17 years, 7 months ago


I think he be, serpydo.

Now BG no longer wants to continue the C++ porting… I'll do it I think… Soon…

s 17 years, 7 months ago

Just let it go already,nothing you can do

Bryan 17 years, 7 months ago


FireflyX 17 years, 7 months ago

Firefly…the decompiler opens debug,I think you are thinking of GMZ
haha well i use something of his to reduce my game size :p

Jaxx 17 years, 7 months ago

A blog without meh? FFS PRANK ME

GMWIZ 17 years, 7 months ago

OK TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH I ONLY READ the first and last paragraphs

so i m probaby off the point

s 17 years, 7 months ago

You know,you could slow it with the newlines

GMWIZ 17 years, 7 months ago

yea i know im mess up