[J@D] Ramblings

Posted by JoshDreamland on July 23, 2007, 3:07 a.m.

I'd advise you turn back now.

This'll get ugly.

First, I'll let you know that I am putting finishing touches on a Dll that will inform the game that calls it if debug mode is open. It is for GM7.0. Not GM6.x, not GM5.x. Not GM7.1. Not GM8.0. IT IS FOR GM7.0! It will tell the game 0 for if the game is in debug mode and the Dll is authentic or 1 for the game is in debug or the Dll has been tampered/deleted/replaced. AND YES IT DOES KNOW.

Now for my ramblings.


First off, those bastards at Yoyo never bothered to get back to me about GM7Zip, as I asked if they would be interested in a command line only version, or in my notes on my version so theirs can be compatible with mine. Nope, never even said "no thanks." Assholes. They're going to proceed to take it without any further regard of me. Oh well. Makes me smile knowing that all you people that think GM7Zip is satanic, or whatever your reason is not to use it, will wind up with it next GM release anyway. Especially my favoritest best friend, FredFred. Him and his almighty better-than-you games that I personally don't care for, spiced up with some interesting plays on graphics. He <b>strongly</b> advises that you "don't use the compressor in his signature", as it is the ultimate evil, spawned in hell to combat all that is good, holy, and/or freestanding. It is in grave violation of the sacred Eula SCROLLS, and GOD HIMSELF will take Josh and cut off his penis in recompense for creating said evil program. But he'll have it soon. YOU'LL ALL HAVE IT. Yes, you too. Oh what's that? You're just not going to download the next Game Maker? MORE POWER TO YOU. I hope your game gets decompiled as GM7 encryption was already broken. Not that Mark will do anything come the next version. God spare us the fucking apocalypse if he actually removes the so easily exploited flaw my AntiDebug dll will detect. But I doubt it. Mark made GM more secure by preventing the effects of the first decompiler and making it a simple, laughing matter for the second one I wrote to work. I always had more faith in Mark, but he just fails at life, and serprex knew it. That's why your games are an open book to us, with room for footnotes and various outher edit jobs.

Second off, I'm pissed. I want to have <a href="mailto:Josh@Dreamland.com">Josh@Dreamland.com</a>. But guess what? <a href="http://www.dreamland.com">dreamland.com</a>=Dead domain. Occupied by whoredom. <a href="http://www.dreamland.org">dreamland.org</a>=Worthless domain. Come on. A fish. Dead. On a plate. WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE? Fake sushi? I hate to break it to them, but even outside of that worthless website, that fish wouldn't be edible if it were real. Also, I figured a US site won't kill me. I can be Josh@Dreamland.us. No. <a href="http://www.dreamland.us">dreamland.us</a> is a porn site. Sickos. I WANT DREAMLAND.SOMETHING! Dabridge suggested <a href="http://www.dreamland.gm">dreamland.gm</a>. As you can see it isn't taken. But I don't know where to sign up anyway. And as for <a href="http://www.dreamland.net">dreamland.net</a>, well. Nice redirect, assholes. Glad you're making GREAT use of something I wanted, that you prolly won't even use. Trying to win a stupid contest, but they're too stupid to fill out the entry form. Little fuckers.

ALSO, All I wanna fucking do is finish this stupid line game and submit it to Luda's NEW contest. Then I can finally pick up on REAL C++ and get into it, instead of getting ahead of myself again.

That's it. You survived the rant. Congrats. Have a cookie. Good job. Well done.





biggoron 17 years, 7 months ago

That's it. You survived the rant.
T-shirts must be made!

Jaxx 17 years, 7 months ago

Comment 12 is contentless

JoshDreamland 17 years, 7 months ago





Josea 17 years, 7 months ago

Your rants are better than mines =)

Jaxx 17 years, 7 months ago

Comment #15 is the same as comment 12 with a different number.

s 17 years, 7 months ago

Comment 16 is like 15 and 12,tis spam

Jaxx 17 years, 7 months ago

Comment 16# speaks the truth however it is one too

JoshDreamland 17 years, 7 months ago

Comment 18 wants all the other comments to GTFO. <!–

JoshDreamland 17 years, 7 months ago


So does comment 19.<!–

JoshDreamland 17 years, 7 months ago


And 20.<!–