[J@D] Blog.

Posted by JoshDreamland on Aug. 13, 2007, 11:48 a.m.

I feel so out of time. My summer are coming to an end. And that Dll refuses not to like GM. It really does. Fucking evil piece of shit.

<script type="text/javascript"> obj = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); ind2 = -1; for (i=0;i<obj.length;i++) { if (obj.innerHTML.indexOf("JoshDreamland's Page") != -1) { ind2 = obj; i = obj.length; } } if (ind2 != -1) { ind2.innerHTML = ind2.innerHTML.replace("JoshDreamland's","Josh @ Dreamland's"); } </script>

I say WM_DESTROY it hides the game window and leaves the debug. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HELP PROTECT IT?

Here, steal my codes without that messy game window plz. kthxbai

Not that, when I think about it, there are many GM games worth stealing.

Windows just does not seem to want me to succeed.


I used an hr. zomg.

I think I'll use another.


Was talking to Ism. Day in, day out. She was helping me try to get the process to end. It is not going well.

I have another idea now…


No, only works on some versions of Windows.


But I'm still after it.

And I have to get it eventually.


Lesson in life:

Do not touch your space key.

Josh @ Dreamland I removed my

Josh @ Dreamland spacekey

Josh @ Dreamland <)

Josh @ Dreamland It'sfullof hair

alt+32 works.

but laziness prevails.

Josh @ Dreamland Shit!_where_did_I_put_that_metal_bar_thingy?_D:

IamsTavabar >.<

Yoo c, There is this metal paper clip like thing in my space bar that keeps it balanced, like, when you press either half, both halves go down. That is a BITCH to put back together.

Needless to say, I managed. I even managed perfectly! =D

And you know what?


Did I learn a lesson? No. *removes space key*


What else do I want to blog about?

Ah yes. You may have noticed that IamsTavabar isn't exactly her name. Well, neither are these that I srta forced everyone else to change their name to after Ism changed hers.

serprerexdo (<_<I hate you Josh>_>)


MuthaFuckenAsswipe/Amek (depending)


mreanslelsbramnsles (of course, you remember that one)

Josh Dream-Land (Yes, I changed my name too)


I love those hrs


Also, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. 8-28-07














s 17 years, 6 months ago

Well,that'll end the line,thankfully…

JoshDreamland 17 years, 6 months ago

C'mon 12345… c'mon…

s 17 years, 6 months ago


NoodleNog 17 years, 6 months ago

JoshDreamland 17 years, 6 months ago


Yay @ 12345

s 17 years, 6 months ago

…what was the point of that,Noodle?