Didn't think I gave up JUST yet, did you?
Hell no. ENIGMA's still going. I NEED SOME TEAM MEMBERS. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?I need some people who are skilled with C++ to GIVE ME A FUCKING HAND WITH THIS PROJECT. I CAN _*NOT*_ DO IT ALONE. OK? If you have ANY talent that you think would benefit ENIGMA, please speak up.Anyway, onto progress.I never updated you guys on my last big creations, so you are in for a hell of a surprise, I think.As you may have noticed, 64D has no parser. Deal with it for me, and click these links yourself. I'm hoping the parser will be back up soon. JUST DO IT.Not Very Interactive GameThat's mostly a show of power. In case you can't or would rather not download, that shows 3000 triangles forming a lava flow, with something or other moving under it.Feel free to edit the sprite, just DON'T RUN THE GAME WITHOUT UNZIPPING.I'll fix the bug involved later. For now, just unzip it.So Josh, what's the code behind that?Here you go. Don't run it in GM or it'll freeze your whole system.Create event:[pre]for (i=0; i<PCOUNT; i+=1){ prcolor=make_color_rgb(255,random_integer(255),0); prx=room_width/2+random(128)-64; pry=-random(520); prdir=random_integer(360);}proto_object.x=64;proto_object.hspeed=1;[/pre]Draw event:[pre]for (i=0; i<PCOUNT; i+=1) { draw_set_color(prcolor); draw_set_alpha(.5); draw_primitive_begin(pr_trianglestrip); draw_vertex(prx+8,pry/*,c_red,.5*/); draw_vertex(prx,pry+16/*,c_green,.5*/); draw_vertex(prx+16,pry+16/*,c_blue,.5*/); draw_primitive_end(); pry+=8; dist=point_distance(prx,pry,proto_object.x,312); if (dist<64 && pry<312) { dirt=point_direction(proto_object.x,312,prx,pry); dirt+=(dirt-90)/12; prx=proto_object.x+lengthdir_x(min(64,dist*2),dirt); pry=312+lengthdir_y(min(64,dist*2),dirt); } if (pry>room_height) { prx=room_width/2+random(128)-64; pry=-16-random_integer(32); int rn=random_integer(10); if (rn==1) prx-=16; else if (rn==2) prx+=16; } } dirt=point_direction(64,64,mouse_x,mouse_y); draw_line(64,64,64+lengthdir_x(32,dirt),64+lengthdir_y(32,dirt)); draw_sprite(sprite0,0,proto_object.x,312); proto_object.x+=proto_object.hspeed; if (proto_object.x<64) { proto_object.hspeed+=.01; if (proto_object.hspeed>1) proto_object.hspeed=1; } if (proto_object.x>room_width-64) { proto_object.hspeed-=.01; if (proto_object.hspeed<-1) proto_object.hspeed=-1; }[/pre]Keep in mind:ENIGMA has random_integer() as well as casting. GM doesn't.So, where does that put us with completed functions?/**Bare minumum functions******************************************************void dispstr(char* str, double value)int show_error(ARG errortext, ARG2 fatal)double point_direction(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2)double point_distance(ARG x1, ARG2 y1, ARG3 x2, ARG4 y2)******************************************************************************//**Standard drawing functions**************************************************c_aqua, c_black, c_blue, c_dkgray, c_fuchsia, c_gray, c_green, c_lime, c_ltgray, c_maroon, c_navy, c_olive, c_purple, c_red, c_silver, c_teal, c_white, c_yellowvoid draw_clear(ARG color)void draw_set_color(ARG color)void draw_set_color_rgb(ARG red, ARG2 green, ARG3 blue)int draw_set_alpha(ARG alpha)void draw_set_color_rgba(ARG red, ARG2 green, ARG3 blue, ARG4 alpha)int draw_get_color()int make_color_rgb(ARG red, ARG2 green, ARG3 blue)int color_get_red(ARG color)int color_get_green(ARG color)int color_get_blue(ARG color)******************************************************************************//**Standard math functions*****************************************************double random(ARG n)int random_set_seed(ARG seed)int random_get_seed()int randomize()int random_integer(ARG x)double abs(ARG x)double ceil(ARG x)double floor(ARG x)double round(ARG x)double sqr(ARG x)double sqrt(ARG x)double exp(ARG x)double power(ARG x,ARG2 power)double ln(ARG x)double logn(ARG n,ARG2 x)double log2(ARG x)double log10(ARG x)double sin(ARG x)double cos(ARG x)double tan(ARG x)double arcsin(ARG x)double arccos(ARG x)double arctan(ARG x)double arctan2(ARG y,ARG2 x)double min(ARG value1, ARG2 value2)double max(ARG value1, ARG2 value2)int sign(ARG x)double frac(ARG x)double degtorad(ARG x)double radtodeg(ARG x)double lengthdir_x(ARG len,ARG2 dir)double lengthdir_y(ARG len,ARG2 dir)//Note: ///Both point_direction and point_distance are declared in EGMstd.h******************************************************************************//**Primitive functions*****************************************************pr_pointlist, pr_linelist, pr_linestrip, pr_trianglelist, pr_trianglestrippr_trianglefan, pr_lineloop, pr_quadlist, pr_quadstrip, pr_polygonint draw_primitive_begin(ARG kind)int draw_vertex(ARG x, ARG2 y)int draw_vertex_color(ARG x, ARG2 y, ARG3 color, ARG4 alpha)int draw_primitive_end()******************************************************************************//**Standard drawing functions**************************************************int draw_line(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2)int draw_line_width(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2,ARG5 width)int draw_line_color(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2,ARG5 color1,ARG6 color2)int draw_line_width_color(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2,ARG5 width,ARG6 color1,ARG7 color2)int draw_rectangle(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2,ARG5 outline)int draw_rectangle_angle(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2,ARG5 outline,ARG6 angle)int draw_rectangle_color(ARG x1,ARG2 y1,ARG3 x2,ARG4 y2,ARG5 color1,ARG6 color2,ARG7 color3,ARG8 color4,ARG9 outline)******************************************************************************//**Window functions**************************************************cr_default, cr_none, cr_arrow, cr_cross, cr_beam, cr_size_nesw, cr_size_ns, cr_size_nwse, cr_size_we, cr_uparrow, cr_hourglass, cr_drag, cr_nodrop, cr_hsplit, cr_vsplit, cr_multidrag, cr_sqlwait, cr_no, cr_appstart, cr_help, cr_handpoint, cr_size_allint window_set_cursor(ARG cursor)int fps;int window_set_caption(ARG caption)int window_get_x()int window_get_y()int window_set_position(ARG x, ARG2 y)int window_set_visible(ARG visible)int window_get_visible()int window_minimize()int window_show()******************************************************************************/Also: A couple of those functions are completely or semi untested, or just don't work. Those include the basic math functions such as min(), sqr(), logn(), etc. (Things that should just work), draw_rectangle_angle() (Haven't tested since I fixed some other bugs that may have led to it not working), window_set_cursor() (Glut doesn't like me for some reason there.) Window_set_visible works, but cannot be undone in the draw event for obvious reasons.Other than that, make your own conclusions.AND HELP ME OUT, SOMEONE. Gary and Dave can only do so much, they aren't dedicating their time to this like I have. And Dylan left me for a game. =[END
I'll be refurbishing the sprite loader and sprite functions to enable non-square bitmaps whose sides are not powers of two. It will work with a lossless resize.Therefor, DO NOT USE A 513*513 bitmap. That's just STUPID no matter who you are, k pumkins?But I don't think it'll be a problem.BTW are you also implementing calculated collisions (square-square, circle-square, etc) besides pixel-checked collisions?
Depends how easy it is when I get there.
This is why I have Dave. He knows this shit and is usually happy to explain. ^_^But circle-circle sounds easy, and I'd think square-square is. So probably the former, and possibly the latter.
squaresquare is easy, if it's what I'm thinking of.
Also, eΣ should totally be the new symbol.I HAVE PERFECT ICON!
There is a sub-species of spider called "Nigma". Icon is now a spider, by my decree! To all graphic artists: Begin!lol, I'm sure not changing the symbol.
But if either of you come up with a cool design for it, I'll consider.Are you even serious, Dave? O_oThis blog passed 100 comments, and no-one is even going OMFG yet.