[J@D] NO U

Posted by JoshDreamland on July 21, 2008, 10:06 p.m.

How to prove to someone that they aren't really pissed off, using my favorite impulse based phrase.

Ross says:

I'm pissed off

J@D says:

lol, ur moms pissed off

Ross says:

lol, ur dads pissed off

J@D says:

lol, ur unkles pissed off

Ross says:

lol, ur second cousins pissed off

J@D says:

lol, ur step sister in law twice removed is pissed off

Ross says:

lol, ur pissed off

J@D says:

lol, no u

Ross says:


Ross says:


No, me. So I guess I'm the pissed off one >=[

Moving forward.

You prolly wanna hear about ENIGMA, hm? WELL WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU?

Well, I do want to tell you, but at the same time, I don't want to ruin some of the surprises I have in store.

What I will tell you is that all the redoings of the systems are done, except one. The one that is not operational has a working background, but throws a segmentation fault somewhere along the pipeline back to its original call.

Anyway, typing a blog helps me think. And though you likely did not pause between this paragraph and the last, two hours passed. And I fixed the final segfault.

This means that I have a special surprise in store for you, you silly, silly people. :3

I feel like doing something out of the ordinary. So I'm going to, tomorrow or the day after. (depending on how well the rest of this goes).

Recently a certain someone who I have always found extremely pleasant to be around called ENIGMA vaporware. A lot. So, I really can't wait for this.

Unfortunately, I'll have to. And you'll probably have to. Because the minimum time before R3 is 10 days.

This is mostly because I'm not having an unstable alpha.

You heard correctly: R3 is the alpha. R4 is the beta. Then is version 1.0.

Until then, let me clarify something that also seems to have gotten confused.

Dylan showed up, released a WinApi version of an ENIGMA game, and brought back terrible reports of instability and slow.

THAT WAS NOT MY RELEASE. That was not official.

Not even one line of that code was mine, nor was it generated by the ENIGMA you've all come to know.

All that release did was give R3 a bad taste in people's mouths.

However, your outlook may change shortly, if nothing else.

I'll see you all then. (Shortly)

One more thing.




panzercretin 16 years, 6 months ago

No, me. So I guess I'm the pissed off one >=[


Oh, wait…

Josea 16 years, 6 months ago

That still makes it vapor.

NoodleNog 16 years, 6 months ago

*Steps out of time machine* HAH ENIGMA WILL BE VAPORWARE!! =0

NobutRLY. I just want to see the day where every GMer in the world gets their GM games compiled in ENIGMA. Thats the day all those hours of work pays off. Then someone may just have to spy on you to make sure you dont corrupt and develop a commercial agenda. <___>

DesertFox 16 years, 6 months ago


JoshDreamland 16 years, 6 months ago


flashback 16 years, 6 months ago

s 16 years, 6 months ago

When do we get Ri?

Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 6 months ago

*Steps out of time machine* HAH ENIGMA WILL BE VAPORWARE!! =0

melee-master 16 years, 6 months ago

Can't wait Josh.

[deleted user] 16 years, 6 months ago

xkcd is ALWAYS relevant.