Posted by JoshDreamland on Nov. 2, 2008, 8:39 p.m.

That is correct. ENIGMA can now has lim0x.

Man, that was easy.

More seriously, it allowed me to better debug the code, as the actual GCC, that is not minimalist, or for Windows, is slightly pickier than the one which is minimalist and for Windows.

In other words, it took me a while, but now that the thing actually compiles on Linux, I fixed a lot of potential errors I could have ran into down the road in Windows.

If you're thinking that's too good to be true, well, it is. I'm running into a small problem with the way it displays… It kinda runs at 30 fps but refreshes at five.

Anyway, sorry for the unusual dryness in my writing. I've been sleeping relatively poorly due to life at home not being as… fun? as it once was. But things should be back to normal soon, I hope.

It's nice that even though I'm on Fedora right now, It's my own keyboard. That always makes foreign OS's a little easier to get used to.

Fun things I ran into on the way:

1) Middle click actually pastes in linux. And in FireFox, it pastes into a Google search.

a) FireFox doesn't have "FireFox" or "Google" in its spell check dictionary.

2) Not that I didn't know this before, but it did come back to slap me. Linux is case-sensitive. No more sloppiness >_<

3) Yeah, fopen(). Passing it "r" on Windows assumes "rt". Passing it "r" on Linux assumes "rb". That's the difference between file_text_open and file_bin_open, for those who do not know such things. Just a good thing I wrote text file functions to work with "rb".

4) XLib is not Winapi. That is why GTK and Wx were invented. (Fortunately, Ism took care of XLib ages ago)

5) "\" Does not mean directory. In fact, it's a perfectly valid filename character, and if you try to fopen() a file with it, you'll get a file named after the directory. ^_^

6) Yeah, the terminal is case sensitive too.

7) How lovely, is there anything that isn't case sensitive?

8) God, the lib folder doesn't exist >_<

9) Crap, I'm still calling GCC from the ENIGMA dir

10) Well, THAT shouldn't be there

Whatever. I'm tired.



noshenim 16 years, 2 months ago

Enigma need data structures and transmormations so my games can compile :/.

RetroX 16 years, 2 months ago

Don't forget sounds and surfaces!

Cesar 16 years, 2 months ago

Google chrome doesn't have youtube on its spellcheck list. And google owns it.

Juju 16 years, 2 months ago

Haha that's a fairly comprehensive list of stuff to do: sounds, surfaces and data structures.

RetroX 16 years, 2 months ago

I think that surfaces are already done, but not uploaded yet.

JoshDreamland 16 years, 2 months ago

They're done, and uploaded. People's hardware is so bad, no one can run it. So I need a DX port for windows. =\

flashback 16 years, 2 months ago

Ship 'em to me, I have decent hardware in my linux/XP box.