The History of my games

Posted by Jumbo on July 16, 2008, 6:42 p.m.


this is one of my frist game i made of gamemaker i still got this game if you wont i can upload this game the obj was very simple just make it to the next room but the game have script yea the follow commad

wack 1 yes i made 12 of them but some got delete or mess up by computer failure this just the same as are story but it got ramdom rooms

this is the mid date game and my favorite one of the mid games

the obj was to find who stold you body

try to took your soui and try to use as a super wepaon this game flaw was a bad game over head for a long time i put this game off becuse this game was slowing my computer beford my computer had an upgrade snd nest one was hard keys placement lot of keys take plase

this was a game callad wack fire ball2

one had a computer meltdown and mess the frist. but this onw is fun and hard soo far having 8 wepons typs and i like to have 35 wepons and 4 class of wepons typs

plot2 like a city game but my twiss in it

look forward to see this game comeing soon the DT-170x help me on this

ua Jumbo and friends my favorite game so far this game got been denied‏ i think why is too hard to understand and lot of grammer and spelling error

i hope i can put this game back soon

but fun and got lot of bossest

key are much eazy to understand

the story is jumbo was dead and put back to ride the earth of all the bad nerds that try to make all the non to ack as them but….. you play the game if it ever got not denied.

This is not all the games i made this is a over view of most of my games ARE NOT DONE if one day you will upload thes game i hope i dont offend you bye that all


DT-170x 16 years, 7 months ago

Jumbo don't believe in firefox.

Jumbo 16 years, 7 months ago

ok then why i can understand you ok. ture

i got bad english poor at grammer. that is only thing going for now i hope i get good at it

Jumbo 16 years, 7 months ago

see i crap at it soooooooooooo *_*

PY 16 years, 7 months ago

What is wrong with Firefox? Are you like my dad, convinced it will break his PC?

(On that note, foxyproxy finally convinced him, seeing as he does a lot of proxy switching for his work)

Jumbo, Hope isn;t enough, you have to work hard at it. I used to be awful :(

Jumbo 16 years, 7 months ago

hay i just thinking you like my grammer if not it sooooooooo be not talk about.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?

Jumbo 16 years, 7 months ago

i dont know how to use it man. my grammer is good (i lieing) -.-