A Whole Lot is Happening

Posted by KNZone2 on Dec. 23, 2008, 1 a.m.

Alright, so much stuff to sort through, so little time. Categorizing initiation begins… wait… wait… wait… wait… wait… wait… wait… wait… ok wait… wait… wait… wait… wait… wait… now.

Friggin' Christmas:

It's goin' down here at the homeless shel– I mean, my house here, and I have spent about 90 or so dollars on Christmas gifts, including items ranging from dancing masks to candles to hot wheels cars to *shudder* Bakugan cards. It was really messy. I bought no games.

We're receiving a Wii this Christmas with a crapload of good stuff like Galaxy and Brawl. We're off to a nice start, though a bit behind. Playing Twilight Princess on the Wii is going to be fun for another grand 30 minutes, as it loves to be. For some odd reason, the guy on ebay gave us 2 Wii Play games and no Wii Sports. Wii Sports was the bomb! Wry?

Therefore, I prompt the lot of you cookie-and-candy-infested creatures to propose your Wii Friend Code so that I may come into your server and make a dirty username that will agitate you. I command you. Do as I will and do as I whim.


The Gospel of Crimson Tears (Oh, Jesus! Ha ha ha) and some other games:

Okay, Crimson Tears looks sexy. May JakeX rock me faster, always.

Now, for Fez. For those who haven't heard of this amazing game, it's going to rival Cave Story. This guy is friggin' out of his mind to invent a Platformer that works how it does. Super Paper Mario came closest to the concept, but this guy NAILED it.

Let's move on to The Grid. This game is awesome. Loved it when it first came out, still supporting it, now.

Callistro. Oh, yes, the most visually pleasing and in-depth (not to mention the only) Galaxy generator out there, but they plan on making this into an RTS game. I don't try many RTS games, but I'd give this one a shot.

Purple. Everyone and their grandma has seen this one, but I am crossing my fingers for the completed version. None of these games are really expected to come out this Christmas, but just updating you guys…

Men of War. Another WW2 game, by the looks of it, but since it's an indie game, I'm sure everyone will check it out. My predictions are that the game will be attractive for a while until Crimson Tears wipes the floor with it. Really. Nobody stands a chance.



Polish., if you remember the game, hasn't shown its face for about a year. That's because I have been rewriting its engine… SIX TIMES. I have redrawn all characters, designed weapons and even made a Shakespeare-ish script to give it a better storyline. With some of the newer creations I have established (well, maybe just the Main Menu thing) the game will come out with an incredible new look.

There are other games that I know would be a sin to reveal, one of them featuring a specific robot created by Andrew Dickman. Thanks to those who read. Tony, signing out.


Xxypher 16 years, 2 months ago

It all makes since now.




KNZone2 16 years, 2 months ago

Happy holidays to you, too. :3

KNZone2 16 years, 2 months ago

You sure know how to waste money.

Hey! Excuuuuse me, princess!

Really, though, it's what he wanted, I can take a holiday from being an Anti-Bakugan Nazi long enough to make him happy for a day. I'm just glad to get him something he wanted, even if he'll hate it within the next year.

I'm aware that I'm wasting money.