Jaxx is a Copycat.

Posted by KNZone2 on April 4, 2010, 12:58 p.m.

C'mon, everyone knows I'm the one who started the annual blog trend. I've been doing that here and at DeviantArt for the past 4 years! That's one year before you! </sarcasm>

If you use Linux, this font might look familiar. I guess that's a pretty big change from last year; I've switched to Linux. I got into Ubuntu, but honestly, I'm desiring some Gloria Mint delectables, right now.

I'm hearing a lot about ENIGMA, but I really would like to see some sort of tutorial about setting it up, because I'm not sure how it's supposed to work. I would love to see zPlat working in that so that the Linux community can start making some good platformer games with it.

Speaking of which, zPlat 7 is outdated. 8's being uploaded right now. Be sure to check it out. It was some serious work fixing those bugs.

I took some C# under the skin with XNA, and it was for a friend, but he spent three months not talking to me. It turned out that he could have me develop anything. ANY SOONER MOMENT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT, BRO.

Got a guitar that plugs into the laptop. Sounds like a ton of stuff. Later I'll make a program that makes more good sounds of it. <3

No gaming projects, anymore. I'm becoming a Computer Engineer.



sirxemic 14 years, 10 months ago

No gaming projects, anymore. I'm becoming a Computer Engineer.
What you mean with a 'gaming project'? You're not making games anymore? That's a pity.

I am becoming a computer engineer/scientist as well =P

PS: Who are you?

Jaxx 14 years, 10 months ago

PS: Who are you?

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

I know who you are.

KNZone2 14 years, 10 months ago

Well, not entirely. A long time ago I told myself I'd make a port of this to C, so that's what I'll do. Otherwise, yeah, won't hear from me for a while.

I've been around for about two or three years, so old, but not really old. I started up some game called "Polish." a couple of years back, but otherwise my input was minimum.

Glad to see a fellow engineer.

Alert Games 14 years, 10 months ago

PS: Who are you?

Cesque 14 years, 10 months ago

"Computer engineer" sounds like somebody doing stress calculations for computer designs to ensure computers don't collapse under excessive snowfall. Hey, that's what engineers do for buildings (other things, too, but mostly this). But we all know computer engineering has nothing to do with engineering - computers these days are shit and can't stand ANY snow if you take them outside in the winter.

PS: Ubuntu has a font? I never noticed.

flashback 14 years, 10 months ago

Er… You do realize that your new font only shows on computers that have that font, right?