Apparently it has been impossible to register on my forums (click) for over 2 months. I had been wondering why I wasnt getting any new members even though the forum was actually getting posts. So now any of you can come join the fun =0
Although to fix it I had to remove the little security code image thing, I wonder if that thing does actually protect from a lot of spam stuff. I guess I will find out.Anyway this whole week I was in indiana but I just got back home 2 hours ago =) It didnt seem like muych of a break though, too much time spent in the car or at random places.While I was there I managed to get work done on 5 or so of my game projects =) my christmas update is gonna be awsome. Tomorrow I am going to try using "connections" to find out when I can get a wii from gamestop (I know a couple people who work at gamestops) so I might be getting one this week if I am really lucky. If I dont get one htis week I am going to make sure I have one before 2007, hopefully before christmas.
I thought you were gonna say YOU got fixed… >_>
Yes I think blue borders are the cheeses only known weakness.
Before, it was blue cheese, but no one likes blue cheese; they like cheese.
I dont join forums unless i get godly mod powers…..jk. Ill join
huh what?
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