Muahaha cheese explosion

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 2, 2006, 8:10 p.m.

I dont blog much do I, kinda strange considering I visit here every day. Well anyway on to blogging!

This week has been an ok week. I started my final in 2nd period (computer science, aka java programming) and finished it on tuesday (only one done so far). 2 weeks of class left too so I think im gonna earn like 200 bonus points with all I have been adding. All we needed was perfect movement with jumping to get a 100 lol. I already have the full game programmed and im adding extra features like saving, highlighting selected pieces, and other junk. Maybe I will show you guys when I am finished.

I was gonna get a wii today, but the shipment was delayed due to ice and now they are gettign it during the week (which means I cant go to the store when they open). Ah well I will get one sometime before christmas.

With my gm games..

Just now I decided to make a level editor for orbs (its on my site if you dont know what it is). Im gonna program this little level pack thing too so you can make a group of levels that go with eachother. Should take me acouple hours *gets programming*

I have decided to start working on the curse of kaumaha: eternal plague. I have no idea why I stopped cause its fun to work on.

You guys might not remember shock but I had a screenshot in a blog a while ago. I think I am gonna try to get a demo out for christmas, no idea how big it will be though.

And with Surou I am working hard on getting an awsome demo out for christmas.

with my site

After fixing registration with my forums a bunch of spambots started posting on my forum (ok only 3 but still) so I enabled email verification but it turns out that is broken also. Looks like I will be stuck deleting spambot accounts/posts.

( ok this cheese explodes in my next blog or something, im really just finding an excuse for cheese in my blog title =p )

Question: Who here knew it was my blog from the title?


DesertFox 18 years, 3 months ago

//It's called lack of brain, as in, it's an animated image.//

Is that a retort copying my earlier comment, Mast3rmind? Yes it certainly is!

shawn 18 years, 3 months ago

No ones ever creative anymore.

Nighthawk 18 years, 3 months ago

Quote: Bob799
Question: Who here knew it was my blog from the title?

Yes and no… Wait… Never mind…