to make a blog is boredom =0
anyways on to the blogThis is probably the worst week of school this year, all my teachers think this is a great time to give us "easy" projects and tests which end up being the hardest stuff all semester. My grades are not rising =(But at least I dont have to work in 2nd period (I finished that class over a week ago and now I just play flash games)Ive been lazy with Ordered chaos, mostly cause the next strip is gonna require a bunch of new graphics.Sunday is wiiday hopefully, many of the major retailers are saving up their wii stock for sunday, including gamestop, ebgames, target, and best buy. Best buy said they should have at least 40 wiis per store so im gonna go there.On to teh games!Pokemon Surou: is no longer a game, I am now joining Game Fortress to work on Pokemon Twilight instead, and surou will be a region in twilight.Orbs: almost finished! (although the "retail" version wont be going on sale online until I figure out how im gonna do a store) although I dont think my target audience is GM users anyway because we all just look at a gm game and think "I could do that with a some work, why buy it". The free version will have plenty of features though.New rpg: now that surou is a group project I decided I might as well start on a new monster fighting rpg, I dont have a name yet but I have figured out a lot of the basics for the gameplay. It will be using a heavily modified twilight engine. Oh yeah, and I plan on it featuring all 100% original graphics all made by me (dont knwo if thats good or bad =p).GM7: A lot of people are dissapointed with it but I think the new features are nice, it just doesnt have any super major additions(besides vista compatability). I just wish the final version was out so I could actually use it for stuff.
85% blog understandingness.
0%ChIkEn understandingness
110% Eye asplodingness.