Blog Spree!

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 22, 2006, 12:06 a.m.

Wow I think I got back in the blogging mood =)

Well I am not really in the holiday spirit this year, it was almost suprising when I realized it was already december and it certainly doesnt seem like christmas is a few days away o.0

Anyway I slightly updated my Room Switch Example, if youve already seen theres no real reason to look, the improvement is very minor and doesnt affect how it works.

Ive been working on shock a little more, ive decided its gonna have puzzles in it, although they might not be very hard =p

Im really getting in the mood to work on the various stoires ive started writing, one of them stopped cause I lost the page I had been working on (which was at an important part) and the other just hasnt gotten very far. I like writing cause I am really good at coming up with ideas, my first story got pretty long before I lost the page (something like 50 pieces of college ruled notebook paper front and back, and I write small)

Poll: is cheese cool

1: yes

2: no

3: spaghetti pickles?

Lucky for you guys I got lots of comments last blog so no more outlined clickable cheese punishment, you know that was torture =0

my site


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