My comp is asploded

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 25, 2006, 8:47 p.m.

Yeah a week or so ago I finally got around to uninstalling my antivirus (norton 2004 o.0) so I could install a new one. My computer had been having all these strange problems, random programs messing up, flash mx not working, etc. Only after uninstallign it most of the small problems went away, but a bunch of huge ones appeared. Aim broke, my internet wouldnt connect (but strangely I am connected to my neighbors internet with no problems), even my dvd drive is giving me problems (I have to put a disc in before logging in to use it). I cant even reinstall any norton application, so I dont have any virus protection or anything right now =/

Luckily im getting a different brand virus protector so it will hopefully install.

Anyway now to a more normal thing to put in a blog, my christmas stuffs.

I didnt get that much this christmas, a wiimote for a wii i dont have yet, an sd card (also for use with wii, maybe my phone too), a 4gb mp3 player (better than any ipod =0), and a thingy that lets me connect tv stuff to my comp, so I can play consoles on my comp and stuff, and uh 70$. Thats all the big stuff.


foslock 18 years, 2 months ago

My sound card burned out today.

Luckily I still had an onboard mobo sound chip.

I still donno how/why my comp came with a sound card…

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 2 months ago

…my computer's internet has been dead for a month… right now, I', using an ancient computer that I have in my closet for its internet…

flashback 18 years, 2 months ago

Remember everybody: On linux, this kind of thing doesn't happen. Unless you're stupid and mess up your distro to heck and back, but it'd take some skill to get it this messed up.

chiggerfruit 18 years, 2 months ago


Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

Norton is a virus.

eagly 18 years, 2 months ago

Norton is a virus.

Use AVG. It's so amazingly good. The free version beats Norton by a mile and a half. So use AVG.

omicron1 18 years, 2 months ago

Norton… is *horrid*. I've been having similar random problems. For instance, The Ship (via steam) won't work when NAV is running (altho it never gave me its annoying "Do you want this" message, it seems to be banned in Norton's list)

In addition, it's nearly impossible to work around Norton's horrid popunder message - it stalls the game until you answer it, and you can't even see the message while the game is stalled. Don't use it. Period. (Altho pc mag says 2007 edition is pretty good…)

DesertFox 18 years, 2 months ago

Norton, when you uninstall it, screws up your computer. Everyone's sure its a way for them to keep it on your computer. Including Chuck Norris.

KaBob799 18 years, 2 months ago

Sadly it was already installed when I got my comp so I had no choice but to have it =(

Pobble-Wobble 18 years, 2 months ago

Most antivirus programs that I know of mess up my computer. Norton just really annoyed me and caused some problems (such as 99% RAM usage). Safe Eyes just bugs me. A lot.

My friend as a Wiimote and Twilight Princess but no console too.