
Posted by KaBob799 on March 20, 2007, 9:14 p.m.

I have yet another plan to get moneys =) This time not from games but from websites =p

I am going to make a custom integrated blog/forum/wiki system and sell it =0 and maybe make an invisionfree copy and put ads everywhere =p


TIM - Finally! I got it working with 39dll, now I am trying to get Fredfredrickson to get me setu p with the reflect system before I start coding all the features like the online users list. Sadly I dont have access to the latest file right now so I cant do anything, yet =/


It happened, it finally happened. My forum is now truly active, over 50 posts today =0


My blog system is also nearing completion =D


Muahaha I got all A's on my finals, without studying. In fact I think I tied for the highest grade on all 4 of them =D (well two of them didnt count cause I think everyone got 100s) but the others were history and physics, not exactly the easiest classes to pass if you dont pay attention or take notes.

I have a field trip on thursday =D field trips are so rare in high school =p


KaBob799 17 years, 11 months ago

It might become as good as 64d who knows, Ive only been using php for a short time and look what I have so far. Who knows what will happen when I get better =0