Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, To tell the truth I never left, I just didnt blog for a long time (10 days, yeah its like a life time, I know) cause I havent been doing anything majorly important. Oh yeah I am going to try to put [TZ] on most my blogs just so you guys dont have to hold your mouse over to see that its me!
Im so close to 10000 views, like 300 away close. 300…. 300! 298?I got command and conquer 3 and it is teh awsome, even has a vehicle like the protoss carrier from starcraft, I loved that ship. Too bad I cant run the game at full graphics, it would look so awsome =p Oh well when I get a super laptop in a year or 2 I can play in style =DOr maybe I will go ahead and try to do this http://www.cad-comic.com/comics/20070330.jpg just to prove its right!*does a barrel roll*Anyway the entire point of this blog is…… part of a balanced breakfast, englarged to show texture, actual product may vary, not sold in stores, and of course cheese!The more I look at internet ads the more I wonder just how retarded the world is, I think half the ads out there onyl get clicked because someone doesnt know where they are cliicking.I made something for those really stupid people to talk to http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=d6f34f593e3651f4I finally heard the misquito ring tone today, it was annoying =p and my substitute teacher could hear it anyway. I think someone in my first class has it and leaves it ringing for like 10 minutes o.0 very annoying. When I have a sub in physics it becomes card playing class =0My contest entry for that constantly delayed gamemakergames contest has been renamed to…. Crash Course =) much better sounding name and now no one will ask if my game has birds in it (why would the word "wing" remind them of birds anyway? who knows). I also decided not to put it in the contest since I got bored of waiting for the contest to end. Now Crash Course might be the first game I try to sell =0 Once I finish it that is <_<My blog system is slowly and surely getting updated, actually its basically finished but I am too lazy to add the one feature it still needs to be declared 1.0 meh ill just keep adding other features =pI havent actually been doing anything much on my games this month =/ been more obsessed with talking/playing/phpDang this is a long blong, you should tag it for being so long that you actually only read 2 words and give up, preferably those 2 words would be this entire sentence. Seriously is anyone even going to make it this far?Oh well
!Halibutskæ - Unholy Statements says (9:24 PM):Random nonsensical sentences. What could be better?
KaBob799 says (9:15 PM):XD I have written the longest blog everKaBob799 says (9:15 PM):about to submit it!Halibutskæ - Unholy Statements says (9:15 PM):Wait!Halibutskæ - Unholy Statements says (9:15 PM):Before you do that, let me add some material…KaBob799 says (9:15 PM):=0KaBob799 says (9:15 PM):there added

I'm lactose intolerant… .
Nah. FSX topped it
It does not matter! I still win!
You're cheese obsessed? I never would have guessed! [/sarcasm]
You expect me to read all of that!? O_O btw FSX posted a comment as long as this!!!! =O