Yeah here is a quote from my site, the trial goes online in a couple hours so keep checking back =0
Hai, this is the TZ Corporation speaking, we have a couple things you might want to know. We have been saving this news for today so that no one would believe it =p
Anyway basically, the tz corporation is going commercial. Over the last 2 years a secret team of game makers in the tzc have been developing an mmorpg which we believe could be the next world of warcraft, despite being 2d. The trial of this mmorpg will be available for download very soon, with the full version going on sale in less than a month. This main page has been downgraded to save some bandwidth so that the game server will run faster until we upgrade our hosting. You can still access the forum and blogs though, they are hosted elsewhere.
You have no idea how much work was put into this, when its released ill tell you how much.
In other news I finally decided my blog system was done enough to be linked on the front page of well you cant see that since the link menu isnt there right now. But I promise you it is there.
On a completely unrelated note I have given up my obsession with cheese due to my sudden case of lactose intolerance. The doctor told me that sometimes people can become lactose intolerant from eating too many dairy products in a short time. I knew I shouldnt have eaten that 12 pack of nacho cheese =/ He also said it might just be a phase and that a couple years from now I might be able to eat small amounts of dairy products. I really hope that happens.In other other news, I have become an admin on
The Game Fortress Forums and have tasked myself with reviving the forum =D
ooh! I almost forgot *does a barrel roll*
Ok the trial is ready for download
10000 blog hits =D
First of all I am translating parts of my website into german, french, and spanish. but since I dont fluently speak those languages I had to use a translator, and I bet I have a bunch of stuf wrong. So if you fluently speak one of those languages could you maybe glance at the site and tell me what mistakes I have made =p spanish german french
also, on my blog system im thinking of letting users have their own editable html page, one per user. Maybe I could even allow some basic php. Would that be cool?
No work really done. just a bit on my columns engine, but meh, havent felt like working on games much lately.
My columns engine is going to be an example, its gonna be teh pwn. I plan on having it be very easy to set up what is a combo thingy and whatever. The engine to check each spot will be made to support any type of check, all same color, all certain colors, all different colors, and all shapes. Then again.. maybe I wont release it as an example, with an example like that columns could become the 1945 of slightly more advanced users seeking to make the next ColumnsX =p
I must get html privileges =0
<hr> i leave this here to test
ok im gonna delete any comments that are just elicti advertisements. He said to put them in blogs and signatures, not comments <_<

I wish I got html priviledges…that would be cool…
I noticed you had 10000 blog hits too…congrats…I wish I had html brivlges. Congradualations on your 10,000 blog view! Im about to get my 400th amazing huh?
And congrats on 10019 hits.
If you don't speak fluently a language better don't use a translator and leave your site like that, it doesn't look very well to have a website that looks obviously like the product of a translator.
I dont plan on translating everything, just the menu bar right now. So its only a couple words and I figure I can get people to help with them.