Too lazy

Posted by KaBob799 on June 20, 2007, 10:36 p.m.

Im too lazy to write a blog good enough for the front page, meh, comment anyway!

ill just keep updating this blog as stuff happens

anyway things have been going great in my life, my girlfriend is awsome =)

as for games, ive basically quit game maker for now, sometime Game Fortress is gonna make me a song for my most recent game idea and then ill work on that. Other than that I dont plan on doing anything in GM this summer.

My website is another story, im working on a v2 beta of my blog system thingy that pwns. After I release that im gonna start work on a forum system to replace my sites current forum.

My goal is to eventually host peoples forums on my site and create an invisionfree type thing.

I also stuck ads on my site but I cant make any money from them yet <_< I gotta submit some more info to google =/

By the time I make my invisionfree type thing I hope to actually have the account ready so I can earn a bit of money.

Im also switching msn accounts, I will now be using -removed-

new avatar! is it better than my badly drawn alien?

Anyway yeah, thats whats been going on for those of you who dont care.


Cesar 17 years, 8 months ago

hi =D

Alx 17 years, 8 months ago


Alx 17 years, 8 months ago

<object width="450" height="378">

<param name="movie" value="">

<embed src="" width="550" height="400">



Alx 17 years, 8 months ago

BTW I dislike avatar XD