Mai Projects

Posted by KaBob799 on July 23, 2007, 2:06 a.m.

Well I was just going through all my stuff and I realized I keep forgetting about all my old projects.

Im making this blog so I dont forget them. Cancelled and renamed projects will also be listed here. This is like an archive of my gm history. Ill try to put stuff in order or when I made it, but im gonna be way off. Im gonna keep updating this cause its way too big of a list to do at once. Plus im sure to be missing a lot of projects.

2245: A 1945 clone, possibly my first game. It was, in my opinion, pretty fun and had a ton of modes to choose from.

Legend of zelda: The Glint Sword: This is my other possible first game project. This project was based on game designs and stories I had been making up for years before I found game Maker. I based it off the only zelda example I could find and I think I actually did a good job making it fancier conidering how bad I was at GM back then.

Pokemon Surou: This is probably the most popular game ive worked on, the first version built from the zelda example that made glint sword didnt get battles but it was still one of the best pokemon games of its time. The 2nd version used Game Fortresses Pokemon Twilight engine and was awsome. However I just cant bring myself to spend too much time on a clone.

Plant Picking Game: This was a semi-joke game where you clicked on weeds to pick them while avoiding the slightly different colored normal plants.

2245: Galactic Chaos: The sequal to 2245, it used the same engine but had a story mode and a couple regular modes. Wasnt ever finished but was fancier than 2245 anyway.

Make-Em and Break-Em: Concept was simple, game was boring. You protected a magnet from incoming squares with your own defensive squares.

Brandons Exploding Adventure:I think the idea behind this one was that brandon had swallowed a bomb and for some reason eating rubber would delay the explosion.

Star Miner:This was a copy of a game by the same name which I got for $2 at a book store. It didnt get very far.

2245:DS:Galactic chaos only with mouse shooting instead of space bar. Not sure if thats all that I changed.

2245:Classic:I think this was for a retro game contest, arcade mode of 2245:GC with different music and graphics.

Time Mechanic:The idea was you were some sort of time fixing mechanic. This was a platform game.

Tank Game:The idea was you shot meteors falling down from the sky, this engine later became Mas Presents.

2245:Before the War: 2245 in a new genre, 360 degrees of movement. In the only completed mode you protect a well armed base from swarms of incoming ships.

Paint: Return of Red:360 degree movement game where you controlled red, the square of red in the color selector of Paint. You travel around the computer world doing… stuff.

Resistance: Light reflection puzzle game, never actually made 1 puzzle on it.

Mite Munchers: You must dig through an asteroid in the search of items. But there arednagers.

Super Mario TZ: Maybe my 2nd most popular game, its mario as usual but I was gonna add rpg elements.

3d rpg: Got the basic engine from a failed 3d mmorpg (it was very basic) and updated it. it was gonna be an adventure/exploration rpg

Mas Presents: Collect falling presents and avoid the coal!

TIM: instant messaging, used to be the best one available despite its lack of awsomeness.

Curse of Kaumaha: Eternal Plague:This was made by me and Penguin Dude for a curse of kaumaha contest. Its awsome.

Tzania: The idea was it would download and update all my games and programs. And display info about them.

Hologram Game: You are a hologram set loose on a half destroyed alien world. All over the world you can find data packets which can upgrade you and give you new abilities, andeven forms.

Opticalis:No idea where this idea came from. I guess I just felt like finishing a mini game. Basically you shoot orbs that are constantly changing color, What color they are when hit determines points gained/lost

Word Adaptor: The idea was to make you sound fancier. such as dad->father or stupid->unintelligent

Solar Security:Proved that while make-em and break-em wasn't good, its basic concept was. This was a major rework and update to the make-em and break-em idea that is what I consider my most proffesional looking game.

Particle Generator::This makes particle code for you to use in game maker while letting you see

Orbs:Think breakout only more complicated. I think this will undergo a make-over similar to the one make-em and break-em recieved when becoming solar security. AKA, ill make it a lot more fun.

Shock: A platformer meant to make full use of your reflexes in dodging dangers,

Hazard:Arcade space game that was gonna have rpg elements.

RGB:Puzzle game consisting of red green and blue squares that you had to match or something.

Just Wing It/Crash Course:Originally under the name Just Wing It for a gmg contest I switched its name to Crash Course when I decided not to enter it. You control a mini-sub damaged and lost in the ocean and have to find your way back to civilization.

Proximity:An expansion on the idea of a flash game by the same name.

Distant Journies:An rpg similar to pokemon in basic concept.

Unnamed Puzzle Game:This was gonna be similar to collumns

War of stuff:A rcrazy game where you shot grapes and pineapple salads at the enemy. I was just being random.

Bee Strategy Game:You can lead your hive to victory! This idea was formed a month ago and I plan on finishing it.

Light Wave:This game has not been started but ive had the concept since 2005. IM not gonna start it until I finish most my non cancelled projects and have become very good at game design. The idea is too good to waste on my current skills. Its an arcade style game where you are a creature living in a light bulb. There are various crystals inside that change the lights color and depending on the light hitting you different stuff happens.

Ollies Adventure:See above. This is a platforming game where you control a chicken named ollie that gets kidnapped and must fight its way home.

Chi-Zu: Platformer game featuring a UFO, see my projects page

Lumis: Charge up glow in the dark creatures in a darkened maze.

OpenPokemon"Open source Pokemon Crystal clone.


Alx 17 years, 7 months ago
