
Posted by KaBob799 on Oct. 11, 2007, 9:06 p.m.

Le Gasp! Its the next entry in the KaBlog array! I honestly don't have too much to talk about but im gonna see what I can come up with.


Lalalala I haven't done anything yet. But I think im gonna make a new blog system for Game Plan instead of adapting my PycoBlog system.

Concerned Webcomic:

For those of you who havent heard of it, Concerned is a cool webcomic based on Half Life 2. While I haven't even played the games I enjoyed the comic a lot.

Heres an example strip =p

http://www.hlcomic.com/index.php?date=2006-01-16 =D

Whenever I do actually get around to playing HL2 I bet it will be fun to see the stuff I saw in Concerned.

Hopefully it wont be too long either, I want to get the Orange Box since it comes with Portal =D


Some noob half decompiled Blackwater (A Game Fortress game) and started spreading it around and once I started looking for who had done it he started posting in the old Blackwater topic claiming it was his game and that Game Fortress had stolen it. He ended up getting banned and now we have the topic closed =/

He even asked for a gm6 exe of PT saying gm7 exe's didnt work, but it was obvious that he just wanted to use his gm6 decompiler on it =/


I just created a graphics (and very easy code) for adding badges for 12000 and 20000 views and gave them to DesertFox =D

It is being added as I edit this blog =D

I wish I was a 64d coder, then I could add these updates myself. I would do such useful things too, like making these text fields change size when they load instead of when you select them. (edit a long blog to see what I mean, its tiny until you click it)


DesertFox 17 years, 4 months ago

:D Added!

Josea 17 years, 4 months ago

Decompiling, dang.

Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago

Yaay, 12000 and 20000. Two new badges to look forward to.

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 4 months ago

I has the 12000 one. =o

They look pretty cool, actually.

*adds to favorite users*