
Posted by KaBob799 on Oct. 16, 2007, 5:32 p.m.

Yet another entry the in the KaBlog array =D

This entry contains very many complaints about stuff you dont care about.


My school is stupid, they are slowly blocking us from everything in the computer. Today, they added ctrl-f to the list of blocked things. No longer can you search through the text on a web page. I honestly cant think of a reason to block that <_<

Plus they have put security cameras all over the school. But didnt put them at the vending machines or at the entrance people would probably break in through. They put the cameras on the corners of the building too, but since the camera only faces one way it might as well not be on the corner.


I really hate road construction workers, I dont know if its just the ones around here that do this though. Basically they keep closing down important roads for 6+ months and dont even work on them. They just make the horrible traffic at my school worse =/

This particular time they closed the road the first week of school and just now did something to it but it probably wont open for a couple more months.

Plus the roads in front of my school were designed by a 2 year old cause everything seems to be randomly placed.


Bleh, Ive almost got everything working that broke when I transferred hosts. Then ill finally get around to updating Pyco and Game Plan.


You might he seeing some more new badges if DF likes the ones I sent him. For those of you who didnt read my last blog, I made the images for 12000 and 20000 blog views and got him to add them. This time it will be friend badges for 50 75 100 150 and 200

I wish I could add them myself along with a bunch of other updates to various site/php related things myself and not force other people to do them =/

edit: me and desertfox decided that instead of just adding some new ones we should have a contest to completely redesign the whole friend badge set


basilamer 17 years, 2 months ago

You have a cheese badge now? That's fucking pwnage!

Treebasher 17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, I say the 20000 Blog Views badge on JakeX's page this morning I think.

Castypher 17 years, 2 months ago


More friend badges might be nice…

KaBob799 17 years, 2 months ago

I didnt even ask for the cheese badge =D

(well i asked for it over a year ago I think)

Shork 17 years, 2 months ago

I need a badge for handing out ass-kickings, because everyone knows I hand out a lot of ass-kickings.