$KaBlog[4] = "Zombcheez";

Posted by KaBob799 on Nov. 2, 2007, 8:15 p.m.

Yes! Its yet another entry in the KaBlog array

This blog is short in the sense of different topics but very long in the sense of words.


I am finally seriously working on my forum system and its gonna be awesome =D and i need to restate a question from my last blog.

Ok so ive got this code

<script type="text/javascript">

function do_col_change(obj,edited) {

document.getElementById(edited).style.backgroundColor = 'white';

document.getElementById(edited).style.backgroundColor = obj.value;


its supposed to change the background color of a td to whatever is in a text field. It works in IE but I just tested in opera and it doesnt work =/

Anyone know why?

In my creative writing class we had to write a short story with something to do with scary/halloween. Zombcheez is my 40 minute attempt at this.


The door creaked open and light filled the room. I gasped in fright, "Noooooooooo!" The Horror! It was gone, all gone. I began searching the house, under the bed, in the sink, behind the toaster, but I still could not find the cheese. I'm going to starve I gasped how could I ever eat nachos without cheese. Suddenly a loud slow knock sounded from my front door causing me to jump. I looked towards the front door and saw a flash of lightning outside, thunder rattled my house. I slowly walked up to the door and peeked out the window, nobody was there. I slowly swung the door open, and jumped back in surprise. “I have a large cheese pizza for a Mr. Kaneâ€? a man said. “Oh sorryâ€? I said while catching my breath. He lives across the street. “Sorry for bothering youâ€? the man said and began to walk away. “Wait a second…â€? I thought “Cheese pizza! Wait!â€? I yelled and the man turned around. “I’ll give you $20 for that pizzaâ€? I said. “I am sorryâ€? the man said “Mr Kane is expecting this pizza.â€? I sighed and the close the door as the man walked away. “I’m going to starveâ€?, I thought, “where is cheese when you need it.â€? “Punched in the face!â€? a voice suddenly yelled from upstairs. The voice repeated acouple times before I realized what was happening. “Uh ohâ€? I thought and rushed upstairs and into my bedroom. I quickly grabbed my cell phone but it was too late, I had missed the call. “Hmm…â€? I thought while staring at my cell phone. Quickly I dialed in the pizza places number and ordered an extra-large extra-cheesy pizza. “It will be delivered within 20 minutesâ€? they assured me. I began pacing up and down the hall, questions filled my mind. Would I survive until the pizza arrived? Or would I starve to death in this 20 minute period of torture. “Wait a secondâ€? I thought, “what if there is some weird law against pizza cheese on nachos. I sprinted to my computer and got on google, “huhâ€? I said while looking at the screen. “This isn’t Google.â€? Before me, on my dark flickering computer screen was something so scary, so sinister, that it can only be described as “not Google. â€? “Nooooooooooooooo!â€? I yelled again. The page said, in simple text “The page cannot be displayed.â€? I must of forgotten to pay my internet bill again. I sighed and looked down at the clock, it said 13:13. 13:13 I thought, that’s weird, since when did my clock show military time. I looked more closely at the clock and noticed that it was stained blood red. “Oh my godâ€? I gasped “its my missing calculator!â€? Before I had time to find a real clock a squeaking noise came from outside immediately followed by a single knock on the front door. “The cheese is here!â€? I thought in excitement and raced to the front door. I swung the door gleefully and prepared to take the pizza, nobody was there. I looked down at the ground sadly and to my surprise there was a box of pizza just lying there. I quickly reached down and picked the box up, inside was a delicious looking pizza. But wait, there was something wrong with this pizza. “All of its cheese is missingâ€? I sighed, “and there are sardines all over it.â€? I stared down in disbelief at the pizza, I was doomed to starve to death due to lack of cheese. To my right there was a rustling noise, I looked over there and to my surprise and disgust a dead mouse was lying on my sidewalk. It had large patches of fur missing and I’m fairly certain that I could see its brain through a hole in its skull. “Did it just twitch?â€? I thought while looking at it. Suddenly the mouse lunged forward at me with a loud squeak. I stumbled backwards in fright and began running away as fast as I could. I zoomed around the corner of my house and rammed into something. Stumbling backwards I got a good look at what I had run into. It was a pizza delivery guy, but he looked messed up. His skin was grayish color, his clothes were ripped up, and he was covered in scratches. Upon closer inspection I could see what appeared to be nacho cheese oozing out of his skull. “Cheeeeeeeeeeeezeâ€? the man moaned and started stumbling towards me. Quickly I started running again, and when I looked back again I couldn’t believe my eyes, There was a swarm of zombie mice rushing towards me, and behind them a large group of cheese zombie people stumbling slowly in my direction. “Sighâ€? I thought, “It’s days like these that make me wish I wasn’t made of cheeseâ€?.


Josea 17 years, 4 months ago

its supposed to change the background color of a td to whatever is in a text field. It works in IE but I just tested in opera and it doesnt work =/

Anyone know why?
Google it =)

Oh, and change the title, it is messing up a little the frontpage.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

Evry time I see $ka I see Ska, making me think of Ska Punk.

KaBob799 17 years, 4 months ago

the reason im asking is because both google and people who know js cant help me.

OBELISK 17 years, 4 months ago

Your wall of text fell on me and paralyzed me from the waist down.

shawn 17 years, 4 months ago

I just ate your wall