$KaBlog[7]="Too Much";

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 21, 2007, 5:12 p.m.

Too many ideas! Im doomed!

I invented 2 new story ideas and one, maybe two cool game ideas this week =/

I even worked a lot on 1 of the stories and 1 of the games =/ Will I ever stop inventing new stuff so I can actually finish something? Who knows.


The name of my new game is Hue, which probably gives away that colors are part of this game. Its an arcade game where you change the color of your enemies to the color of your weapons, otherwise you cant hurt them. Its not as simple as it seems though, but im too lazy to explain.


http://tz-c.com is becoming teh popular! =D Not in the GM community though, cause I havent added game submitting yet =/

But I plan on adding a forum and game submitting before 2008 so yay =D Btw, if you want to be in the top 50 members theres a gap between 17 and 22 so I can add the first 3 people who register and ask for it into those spots, otherwise you are stuck not being in the top 50. Theres probably gonna be a first 50 user badge/award thingy once I add that to the site.


Im writing more now, maybe because of my creative writing class at school. My two newest ideas are, "Short Term", a story about the entire world being infected by a disease which causes short term memory loss, and "Devil Dust", a story about a guy stranded in an abandoned city, which is covered in a dust that is deadly when in sunlight, and in small quantities can cause mutations. But that only happens on the outskirts of the city where some life still exists.


KaBob799 17 years, 2 months ago

PycoForums will be the system I use.

Nighthawk 17 years, 2 months ago

Awesome, so you're making your own? Sounds hard, but if they work good it'll be great to brag about. [:)]