Decreased Expectations

Posted by KaBob799 on March 11, 2008, 4:32 p.m.

I'm noticing a very annoying trend in the community lately. This being that a growing amount of members have taken to just telling people their stuff sucks, that they wont ever finish anything, etc and while they may be joking it just comes across as rude. This coupled with the fact that no one comments on my blogs is causing me to much less active on this site. The fact is, 64digits is losing the great community it once had, not only in activity and numbers but in quality as well. Why is that? HUH? Moo!

Anyway on a lighter note, I got bored on sunday and made a 64d skin for the game plan database by copying the html/css/js and adding gratuitous amounts of energy php

Its not really meant for anything, I just wanted to see how well I could recreate 64d. I'll probably finish it unless an admin complains.

I've also been writing a ton lately, some funny stuff and some serious stuff. Sadly my school is taking website blocking to the next level (see: blocked textboxes) so its becoming difficult to transfer my stuff. They also erase all our non-network files in some of my classes daily and track everything you do =/

My online stories:

I finally got an xbox (not 360) cost me $60 at gamestop. Then me and kamira got a 2nd controller halo 2, crimson skies, kotor, project gotham racing, and TimeSplitters 2.

Also we got Super Smash Brothers Brawl =)

Edit: just bought

ps2: Jak and Daxter: precursor legacy $5

gc: Battalion Wars: $9

xbox: Project Gotham Racing 2: $3

I want to buy as many of the good games for last gen systems before they become hard to find, so im starting with the cheap games.


Cpsgames 16 years, 12 months ago

That sucks.. our school doesn't give a shit what we do on the computers :D

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 12 months ago

Wait, stop!

Code V3.

KaBob799 16 years, 12 months ago

That would require me having the nonexistant html =p

sk8m8trix 16 years, 12 months ago

Bob, I still read your blogs, cause you rock! Besides I'm always mean to people, it's called being a Sk8hole, it's immensely awesome, I would tell you to try it but people copying me are faggots.

I give my babies Shocklate!

Scott_AW 16 years, 12 months ago

Thats how it goes, sadly.

Crane-ium 16 years, 12 months ago

Our school is really strict about computers compared to most schools I've heard about.

Oh, and SSBB is fun. My friend pre-ordered for me, so I get it in a couple days.

Cpsgames 16 years, 12 months ago

Must suck for you then. :O

KaBob799 16 years, 12 months ago

Most comments I've gotten on a blog in forever, even not counting my comments =]

F1ak3r 16 years, 12 months ago

At my school, you can get away with stuff on the computers, as long as the teachers aren't watching. That, and the only blocked sites are Hotmail, FaceBook, and for some reason,

Castypher 16 years, 12 months ago

@Paragraph 1: All that is especially true. This site is composed of idiots who don't know what consideration is. They sit there and make fun of people and their games, while some are actually trying to be productive. I was talking to MrPacman aout this recently, and I can already name off a bunch of those idiots.

@Paragraph 2: You've been here for a while. We're short on staff. Maybe the admins would be willing to hire you. Also, I'm in need of PHP. =(

@Paragraph 3: Schools are silly. That's why I'm excited that I'm a senior almost graduating.

@Paragraph 4: I've got an old XBox, but I never use it for anything but a DVD player.

@Paragraph 5: Friend code or it didn't happen. Mkine is: 0387-8439-9544

Also, cheese. Gimme cheesebadge. =P