$V3[0] = 'Info & Pic';

Posted by KaBob799 on April 18, 2008, 7:01 p.m.

Alright guys heres my blog about the new Game Plague (and other website stuff)

First of all, heres a slightly dated comparison screenshot of v3 and v2.

I've been working on v3 for about a week now and plan on releasing it within 2 weeks. It will be released a complete website and not a very basic beta like all my other sites have been (and still are).

It's no longer a 64d clone, theres been some confusion about this especially since I literally cloned 64d a couple blogs back <_<

Though it will still have 64d influences.

Game Plague will be the first website to use PycoID which is a system for universal accounts throughout all my websites. Your PycoID account will also give you access to some features on the main Pyco site that I will be adding soon. The current pyco user database will be moved into the PycoID database.

I think I'm gonna make a custom forum system just for Game Plague. That way I can fit into the layout properly.

So in other news:

People are idiots. Alright so me and my girlfriend are talking in the hall between classes and this teacher literally jumps around the corner and takes a picture of us then tells us that she has been getting complaints about us. Wtf. Basically some stupid people can't handle the fact that my girlfriend is black and I'm not so they try to get us in trouble. Second time it's happened too =/ of course the teacher was been too busy jumping around to notice that we were just talking and made us go to class. The other time some other teacher was yelling at us even though we had, once again, just been talking.


sk8m8trix 16 years, 10 months ago

Wow, thats some racist shit. Fuck those faggots up mate!

PY 16 years, 10 months ago

I agree with sk8, for once.

Unaligned 16 years, 10 months ago

Quote: Kabob799
and this teacher literally jumps around the corner and takes a picture of us

I don't live in the USA, but can't you do anything about that? That's, from my point of view, at least, really serious. Fucking racists…

stampede 16 years, 10 months ago

I agree with PY.

Cpsgames 16 years, 10 months ago

Stupid school facaltys.

Do me a favor and slap that teacher for meh? XD