Whooo Bunday

Posted by KaBob799 on May 16, 2008, 8:14 p.m.

Whoooooooooooo bunday is almost here! Oh wait, bunday doesn't exist =[

Anyway prom for my school was last sunday so heres -myspace deleted- for some reason my camera decided to give me red eye in almost every picture so I had to edit my eyes <_<

A different pic of my gf: -myspace deleted-

Well anyway I haven't blogged in a bit so… stuff has happened? I've got 3 100's in school right now =]

So Game Plague V3 is gonna be out soon, before June 3rd. It's gonna be awesome cause I said so. Speaking of GP someone finally submitted a demo to it =p

As none of you know, Zelda: Windwaker is one of my favorite single player games ever. If I ever made a 3d game it would be inspired by windwaker (in gameplay). But since I don't want to become a master of 3d right now I came up with a pretty cool idea for a 2d game.

The beginning is like this:

You are a hobo living in a large city and one day a man offers you a bit of money to deliver a package. He provides you with a boat and a map and your on your way. When you arrive at your destination you discover the package was a bomb and realizing that if you ever return to get your pay you will likely be killed so you use your common sense and sail away.

So there we go, I tried to keep away from the typical hero characteristics games usually have. I'm also gonna have a lot good sized islands, not a ton of small ones like windwaker did.


OBELISK 16 years, 9 months ago

So Bob, you're into white guys?

sludgames 16 years, 9 months ago


Polystyrene Man 16 years, 9 months ago

I didn't know you were Ringo Starr!