http://www.superdickery.com/images/oneshot/sf17238cq4.jpgso yeah,
http://superdickery.com has a bunch of funny comic pictures that prove how stupid people are.
Well anyway i'm working on my websites to add some new features, major updates to the forums, game plague v3, and new order the chaos stuff all coming soon =D
Well school for me ends on the 3rd, bleh. Summer is probably gonna be worse than school this year.
Are you experiencing hallucinations, dizzyness, or abundant nose hair. If so ask your doctor about ngtrqcbvyzyne, the only medicine proven to distract you from these conditions for more than a decade! Ngtrqcbvyzyne utlizes your bodies brain organs to dispell any feelings of discomfort caused by your delicate condition. Do not take ngtrqcbvyzyne if you are pregnant, have a history of back disorders, or enjoy washing others hands. Side effects may include happyness, intelligence, and instant death. If you experience any of these symptons immediatly end your consumption of ngtrqcbvyzyne.

Tip of Mount Everest sign? SUPERMAN IS IMPEDING WITH NATURAL SELECTION!also, ngtrqcbvyzyne (pronounced:nnguh-trcue-buhvey-zine) is not suitable for those who are dead, consult your doctor in case you are dead or think you are dead.I was diagnosed with dead last year =[
Some subject have experienced such permanent disabilities as death.
those are stupid too, one is even a copy of ronnica's banner…This one?
http://www.smackjeeves.com/images/uploaded/comics/fdd86be36758.pngBecause I believe you are mistaken.I was diagnosed with bread last year =[