This title is

Posted by KaBob799 on June 26, 2008, 11:17 p.m.

not completely in the title spot.


Anyway this blog is a blog, read it or you can only guess what it says

Just in case you didn't notice, this blog says nothing, in the form of many words. It's just that cool. One day this blog was digging through your garbage and it found your wallet, remote, $30 in change, and a mini-van. Then it donated them all to rich people who like having stuff.

This other time it was like hey and I was like 'ey and then it stole my ' I was sad but what can you do?

Then… then! thennnnnnnnnn we rode a roller coaster and it was fun until the triple spinning corkscrew deluxe loop. Then we threw up, but that ended up being a good thing because two stray dogs who were almost starved to death ate it and 5 months later were known as garfield and catdog.

But then this knife came FLying out OF NOwhere and slammed into the back seat of a unicycle sending the t-rex flying into the ocean where a gallon of desertfox ate him to a crisp. Then Ludamad and Ace02 made this huge robot thing but couldnt think of a name for it so they blew it up and played wario kart with F1ak3r. This angered _Player_ so he sent a bolt of lightning onto melee causing an xploden of massive destructions.

Arcalyth yawned, the last paragraph was boring so he started making a v3 of it. Instantly clay and alert games formed megarobotcombination and stole candy from Dark Sirrus. Dark Sirrus proceeded to design an awesome looking game but it costed moneys. Then cpsgames realized that I am just being random so he smacked me upside duh head and…

Pobble-Wobble has a bobble-flobble-model-airplane. Nighthawk stole it though, and gave it to RawrSpoon but somehow the irony tree got it instead. Snakeman turned into a snake. But flashback sliced him into bite-size pieces but nobody ate them. They were sad.

But then dabridge noticed the random paragraphing and gave a cookie to twinsoul. Then you gave firestormx a blow dryer and he liked it so he stole the cookie and named it Polystyrene Man. Then JoshDreamland made enigma, it wasnt funny though so lets forget this sentence.


JakeX, Josea, HeroofTime55, Cyrus, Firebird, Shadow Yoshi, leemcd56, and teknogames were all randomly selected from my friends list so they too entered the story. They were like "OMG WE ARE IN KABOBS BLOG" and I was like "YEAH, WHAT NOW" and then they left and I cried.

A long time ago in a super mario galaxy far far away, the end


Arcalyth 16 years, 8 months ago

I was in this blog.

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

Me too. I've never played Wario Kart though.

Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

Fucking epic.

DesertFox 16 years, 8 months ago


shawn 16 years, 8 months ago

wtf >:(

panzercretin 16 years, 7 months ago

Damn cookie-thieves.