Posted by KaBob799 on July 15, 2008, 6:45 a.m.

Well the last day has been pretty awesome for me in terms of website design. Not so good in that I didn't go to sleep last night, for various reasons including lots of noise.

I finally solved the javascript problem I had been having for months so I can go ahead and make a fancy custom skin engine for my forums, and the calculator's for wscape.

I also came up with an idea a couple hours ago for what I currently call Pyco Design Language (PDL), it's basically bbcode+html.

However I did it in a way I have never seen.

Heres a running example. , so its bbcode but then theres the parameters. I wrote the parser so that any tag can have an unlimited amount of parameters, things like background color, border, etc. All I have to do is tell how to convert the parameter into html/css. I've never seen a bbcode system this advanced =] It also seems to be running with no noticeable lag, of course I haven't tested it with anything full page sized yet. But if it's fast enough I might port it over to my my other sites bbcode systems so that I can add some advanced tags.

This will also make adding tags for things like polls and comment systems a lot easier.

The fact that I completed this in just 1 night means that PycoSites is actually ahead of schedule to be released within 2 weeks =D

I guess I will release some info about my plans for PycoSite features.

Upload limit: 1mb.

I know, I know…. it's terrible. But with my current host it's all I can spare. It should at least be enough for layout images and a logo. Once I get enough money and find a better host I will increase it to at least 10 if not 15-25. Of course you can get your games hosted at game plague seperately. Paid accounts will get at least twice the storage space as free ones.

Bandwidth Limit: I wont add one unless I start running out.

Languages: PDL for sure which should allow you pretty good use of html/css and some special php and js stuff. I'm not sure if I will allow actual html on free accounts or not.

Site Manager: You will log in on the Pyco Productions website and the manager will allow you to create folders, upload, delete, move, copy, and rename.

Password Protection: I will add a feature (either in PDL or Site Manager) to password protect pages.

Paid Accounts: Though PycoSites is coming soon these aren't, I wont add them until sometime after the blog add-on is complete. Preferably once I get a new host.

Any features I missed that you guys think would be cool for a free site host?


PY 16 years, 7 months ago

PDL sounds good, so long as it's secure, of course ;)

1MB… ain't so good.

eagly 16 years, 7 months ago

So if you pay you get 2mb? HOT DOG, sign me up!

PY 16 years, 7 months ago

Oh, that is ok then.

Cesar 16 years, 7 months ago

Can we pay in cheese?

KaBob799 16 years, 7 months ago

I will have to see if there is such thing as cheesepal.

Also just to clarify paid will come out after free accounts have 10-25mb.

Chaz 16 years, 7 months ago

Where can you go to learn web design? I don't want to go to classes.

KaBob799 16 years, 7 months ago

I taught myself just by looking up functions with google. But I learn differently than most people.

Also I am looking into getting my hosting upgraded, I am using bluehost and it seems they now offer unlimited space/bandwidth but my account was registered before that =/

Worst comes to worse I can always get a 2nd account with them unless you guys know of a better host?

Josea 16 years, 7 months ago

I taught myself just by looking up functions with google
Well, I don't know how you see it, but for me 'design' is just how the website looks, and the functions are just code.

It's easy learn to code, but is is harder to learn to design a good website.

KaBob799 16 years, 7 months ago

Well I learned the codes and the improvement in design came from using them alot.

eagly 16 years, 7 months ago

My friend uses Dreamhost and they seem to be very good for pretty cheap.

$5.95 per month if you commit for 10 years. 500GB web space, 5TB bandwidth + loads of other stuffs.

Also, I think once you start making websites and see lots of examples of websites, you start to see more clearly what is good design and what is not. I think it's just a case of practice and research makes perfect. :)