
Posted by KaBob799 on Sept. 22, 2008, 11:29 p.m.

Well my forum system has been recieving some much needed work over the past few weeks and I've come up with some ideas my competitors don't have (at least built in…).

First up is the word filter, if you want to you can allow users to enable/disable the word filters as they see fit. If you don't want words to be censored, they don't have to be.

Then theres the custom emotes, users will be able to upload their own emotes and set codes for them that will work just for their posts. Just like msn =] You will even be able to use them across the Pyco network.

Then theres the color picker, this hasn't been entirely thought through but the general idea is that individual users will be able to customize the colors of the built in skins to whatever they want. Generally useless, but cool right? but first I have to get better at skinning.

Then theres a built in money system, not a new idea at all but I don't think theres any built in ones?

Plus theres awards, just like here at 64digits.

So yeah thats some of the stuff I'm working on for Pyco.

Now I last left you guys off with a blog saying I had just got my laptop. This has been a ridiculous amount of time. So I shall update you on the unimportant happenings of my life.

I finally played Halo 3 for the first time last week, and beat it today. Was just as good as the previous 2.

It's my 4th week of college now, it is teh sucks compared to high school work. At least the food is better, pizza hut and chick-fil-a ftw.

Uhm, I started programming an IM in game maker, but it's just a fancy interface for the php based system I'm making. I'm having a little bit of trouble with the winapi dll I'm using though =/ Mostly in the finer details of an IM like not showing up in the start menu when its in the toolbar and hitting enter to send a message (the richedit box just adds a new line) <_<

I feel like finishing a game, specifically Stopping Reality which I started this summer. I would show a screenshot but it looks a lot better in motion, plus all i have is a small test room =p

Paragraph. Sentence. Ending of paragraph.

Game Fortress is gone for 2 years, so I'm now in charge of Pokemon Twilight. I opened up a forum for it at and it quickly became spammy =D

I renamed my Runescape guide site to OrbScape and bought Now it will include guides for FunOrb also.

That is all, you may leave me comments in a textual manner.


RC 16 years, 5 months ago

Hmmm…oh baby, you're lookin' so fine today! Now take off those pants and let's go mud diving!

Shit…you said textual.

Kenon 16 years, 5 months ago

Have the custom colors built like… stuff. Beat at fancy screenshot of Pokemon Guide Comments.

Alpha Man 16 years, 5 months ago

"Was just as good as the previous 2."

lol so basically you agree it sucks right

[deleted user] 16 years, 5 months ago

My forum is the entirely here at 64digits Pyco laptop I work programming sentence for 2 years

KaBob799 16 years, 5 months ago

64digits was not in italics

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

Fuck custom emotes, turn them all off.

Text ones are way better than images, anyway <_<

TDOT 16 years, 5 months ago


PY has emote issues :p

The forum system sounds pretty cool. Should be interesting to see it in action.

Snakeman 16 years, 5 months ago

I agree with PY. The original text smilies kick way much more ass than emotes.

KaBob799 16 years, 5 months ago

I'll make sure to give users the option to disable them then.