Well today I became extremely insane with wanting to play games. Sadly I don't have a credit card or enough paypal money to buy anything from Steam or wiiware.
I wanted to buy either Bioshock or The half-life 1 pack or orbiton and super mario rpg.Instead I decided to finally begin one of my first game ideas. Many years ago I came up with a ton of game ideas that I decided not to start because of my lack of proper programming skills. Now that I am totally the best programmer ever I have decided to make one of those ideas.Heres the original idea that I typed up years ago: http://tz-c.com/tzc/games/Light.htmlHowever I am going to be a smart person and write a whole design document on this game before I make it.It will also be the first game to use my upcoming (not even started) online highscore and achievement system. Whenever I get around to making it I will let anyone use it =DI'm trying to figure out how to make it as secure as possible, but thats not very easy =(I made the mistake last blog of asking this at the beginning, so of course nobody remembered to answer. Is my new banner better than that old green one?
oh right… I forgive you